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This is this month's post.

We are finally landing in Japan. And... next time, we will do some confrontation.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


Asahi and his group were being guided by Elina and sitting inside the magic car as the sun began to set. The vehicle resembled a massive but at the same time flashy steam locomotive, like a "silver C11."

"The magic car, like the warship, is alloyed with precious metals, which greatly increases the efficiency of magic power transmission. I have heard that there are newer types in the Empire."

"It looks just like the warships of the self-proclaimed most powerful empire in a certain summoning novel..."

Asahi, however, was concerned about this, and its composition and origins made him feel a bad premonition in his heart, 'I hope we don't get screwed over by some strange country.'

"Fusou, are you okay with motion sickness?"

"Yes, sir. It is nothing compared to being on the sea. This is not even a calm sea level."

"Is that so... I've always had a hard time with buses and tall cars..."

In the meantime, Elina explained about the land of the Japanese Empire. Its shape is similar to Earth's Japanese archipelago, but the size is a little larger than the Japanese archipelago plus the Kamchatka peninsula, Sakhalin, and the Korean peninsula. It has a population of approximately 30 million, three times the 10 million of Japan at the height of the Edo period.

The country was originally founded by the first High Elf king, Takamagahara Jinmu, who had the blessing of a strong spirit, and a history of over 10.000 years. Since intermarriage with various races has occurred with each new king, the royal family is sometimes born as the "Chimera," a mixture of races' characteristics. Elina is one of them, and it was said that she has the beauty and magical power of an elf, the prowess and drinking ability of a dwarf, the physical ability of a beastman, the brains and flesh of a dark elf, and the fertility of a human, all in one. Despite her slender and pretty appearance, she may be quite a martial artist, but even that seems to be an attraction, which is terrifying.

The current monarch is called Akeno Osamenokimi, and is known to the outside world as the "Emperor," just as in old world's Japan.

The country is inhabited by various races, including humans, elves, dwarves, beastmen, aquatic creatures, goblins, and orcs. Although there seems to be some freedom of occupation, the national thinking that it is more efficient and convenient to work in a profession suited to a specific race seemed to be widespread, and there is an aspect that differed from the old world Japan, which was all about guts and mentality.

The land is divided into four major areas, each of which is blessed by a different spirit. The northeastern part of Japan is a volcanic and mining area, blessed by the spirits of ore and fire, and is famous as a hot spring resort, as well as being one of the five largest mineral deposits in the world by Magicakreuz standards. When they heard of hot springs, Asahi and Fusou, being Japanese who love to bathe, couldn't help but have expectant and awestruck on their faces.

It is also said that in the coastal areas of the northeastern region, something gooey like black oil, but hard to burn, gushes out. Asahi heard this and decided that "Maybe there is an oil field there." If possible, he planned to have the Army Corps of Engineers check it out later. Fortunately, blueprints for mining tools and processing machinery were also present in the transport ships, so as long as they could find oil fields, they could make all sorts of things.

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