Strategy Meeting

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This will be the post for this month.

It's finally time for the strategy meeting leading up to the showdown.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


The Japanese Empire found itself in a situation where it could be attacked by the Kingdom of Olfastar due to the formal declaration of war. While it wasn't likely that the enemy would invade within just one or two days, Asahi speculated that within two weeks to a month at the earliest, the enemy forces would start to mobilize.

More precisely, considering the gathering of troops, procurement of supplies, and preparation of ships, it would take a bit longer. However, Asahi was more specialized in modern military matters, so he only had a vague understanding that war preparations during the Sengoku period would take a "fair amount of time." In the midst of this, Asahi would take on the role of the commander responsible for the entire counterattack operation.

Two days after returning home, he gathered all the shipgirls once again.

In the specially prepared meeting room at his home, a large round table was set up, and Asahi sat in a chair at the center, striking a pose reminiscent of Ge*do Ikari. By the way, the reason for the two-day delay was that the scheduled repairs required the docking of the Kashii, which was to be repaired.

"Now then, everyone, we will commence the operation meeting for intercepting the Olfastar forces and assaulting their capital, which is a matter of national emergency."

Everyone responded with a firm "Yes, sir!"

Notably, there were also the supply shipgirls such as the Mamiya, which weren't originally meant for frontline action, and the Ashizuri, also a supply shipgirl. These ships were equipped with defensive weaponry (especially Mamiya, which had been refitted with a 10,5 cm single-mount high-angle gun of 65 caliber). It wouldn't do to simply say "they were unaware and suffered damage when unexpectedly encountering the enemy." The shipgirls were all provided with documents containing photos prepared by Asahi.

"As you can see, their main forces consist of ships-of-the-line, which are wooden sailboats armed with numerous short-range cannons, and the bizarre and legendary turtle ships, which gave even the Toyotomi forces a hard time."

While discussing the documents, Kitakami hesitantly raised her hand.

"Kitakami, please go ahead."

"Um... Do the enemies have aerial capabilities?"

"Oh, yes. Please take a look at page 4 of the documents."

As everyone flipped to the page, there was a name and a picture of a "wyvern."

"Huh? Isn't this the flying lizard that we had the pleasure of tasting before drifting to Japan?"

As Mamiya, who had helped with cooking the wyvern alongside Asahi and Hiyou, spoke, everyone in the room recalled that incident.

"Come to think of it, that's right. It was delicious... Wait, so the Kingdom of Olfastar relies on these creatures as their main aerial weaponry?"

Yamashiro's words earned her a reproachful look from Fusou.

"If we consider the level of civilization based on Earth's standards, merely possessing aerial weaponry is already quite advanced. Don't forget that, Yamashiro."

"My bad, sister."

Complacency is a no-go, absolutely.

As everyone reconsidered the documents, they were surprised by the maximum speed of 250 km/h and the attack methods of flamethrowers and single-shot fire blasts.

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