Dispatch of Envoys

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This will be this month's post.

Finally, the next meeting with Thorenbo Olfastar... I have a bad feeling about this lol.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


Two days after receiving a summons from the Meiji Emperor and the accompanying imperial order, Asahi was sitting on the deck of the Kashii, which was anchored in Kii. The surrounding waters of the Japanese Empire were characterized by calm ocean currents suitable for fishing. However, it seemed that both the Kuroshio and the Oyashio Currents existed in the same way as in the old world, and the areas around them had fast-flowing tides, making them excellent fishing grounds. Because of this, the port city of Kii, the largest in the country, had many ships of various shapes and sizes sailing from various nations.

Watching the merchant ships with colorful and diverse flags was quite enjoyable and entertaining.

However, Asahi had no time to think about such things. He was sitting on the bridge of the Kashii, poring over documents related to the Kingdom of Olfastar. Although Asahi was reading the documents while standing, his posture was quite good.

"The Kingdom of Olfastar, huh... Judging from the data and magical photographs, it seems to resemble China from the Ming Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty... In terms of national power, it's roughly at the same level as this country a year ago, disregarding the size of its territory... Why would such a country suddenly make strangely excessive demands?"

While trying to gauge Asahi's expression, Taihou, who was sitting across from him, asked a question.

"Perhaps they are seeking to increase their own interests by relying on the might of the major powers?"

While still perusing the documents, Asahi grunted and sipped the tea that Hiyou had brewed for him.

"According to what he heard from His Majesty, there had been about thirty years of peace since the 'World War' that engulfed the world... But within that period, Japan seemed to have forgotten its position as a peace-loving nation outside the civilized world. Honestly, besides the talks about tariff reforms, I can't discern their true intentions..."

"I see..."

Observing Taihou's slightly uneasy expression, Asahi asked, "Are you scared, Taihou?"

When Taihou was addressed, she closed her eyes once and reassessed Asahi's face.

"To say scared... It's more like I'm slightly concerned about not knowing what is the right course of action within a different set of values and relations between countries compared to the previous world. And there's also the unclear situation where just a few words could lead to war."

At first glance, it might seem like a weak statement, but what Taihou said made sense. Asahi had also frequently encountered situations in the novels of isekai stories that he loved, where the protagonist or Japan, after being transported to a different world, struggled with completely different values and often suffered from them. He had a vague feeling that this time might be similar.

"I see. Well, if we can settle it with a decisive short-term battle, it will be a resounding victory for us. But if it turns into a long-term war, especially guerrilla warfare, it would be quite troublesome... In that sense, this envoy mission is convenient."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

Taihou didn't understand the meaning and was at a loss, while Asahi kept his sharp gaze fixed on the documents without looking away.

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