Towards an Attack on the Capital

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This will be this month's post.

This chapter marks the prelude to the attack on the capital. There will also be a bit of a skirmish.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


After completing the harbor attack, the Japanese military took a brief break, but three hours later, Asahi summoned everyone.

"Gentlemen, the harbor attack this time can be summed up with 'well done.' After all, it was an incredibly joyful situation where we had 'not a single casualty,' which, though unbelievable, was indeed the case."

Despite the technological gap of over a hundred years between the Japanese military and the Kingdom of Olfastar, Asahi had thought that it wouldn't be strange to have several to a dozen casualties once it turned into a complex urban warfare situation.

"And above all, thanks to the panic on the enemy's side, our ammunition consumption was much lower than anticipated. Therefore‼"

Asahi paused, then continued with a determined expression.

"Originally, I had planned to take a day's rest today and then invade the enemy's capital tomorrow. However, the enemy's capital is merely 50 kilometers away!"

The Japanese soldiers had heard about this plan.

"However, after compiling the reports, it was found that the ammunition usage was less than half of what was expected, and tanks and self-propelled guns had only been used a few times."

This was due to the fact that Olfastar's army had severely underestimated the Japanese military, and as a result, they were caught off guard and fell into a state of panic when faced with overwhelming force, resulting in the rapid collapse of the harbor base and even the inland army base (from their perspective). Moreover, amidst the chaos, it seemed that communication was also inadequate, and there was no effective command structure, which was fortunate. According to the mage intercepting magical communications, there was also information that "contact with the capital had stopped at the time of requesting wyvern reinforcements." In other words, there was a high possibility that little information had reached the enemy's capital.

Therefore, it was a very rare situation where tanks and self-propelled guns could advance without the need for much replenishment other than fuel. Although there was some resistance such as gunfire in the urban areas, the need for tanks was minimal. At most, tanks were used a little to break through barricades set up in the city center.

"Therefore, we will shorten our rest until tomorrow and depart after a three-hour break‼ After that, we will deploy to the enemy capital by tomorrow afternoon, taking breaks as needed along the way!"

It was currently just past noon, so even if they were to depart now, not everyone could ride in vehicles, limiting the distance they could travel at the speed of walking. Automation and mechanization for swift movement. This would also be a challenge for the future Japanese military.

As much as possible, the goal was to mechanize movement.

In fact, this has been a challenge since the old world era. Apart from some parts of the engineering corps, the old military was hardly mechanized, and while it might have been the strongest in Asia, compared to the US, UK, Germany, and the Soviet Union, it was undeniably inferior when analyzed objectively. In such a theater focused on infantry, it was doubtful whether they could even advance half the distance by night if they were to start moving now.

"The enemy possesses magical communication devices. We should consider that our presence is already known to the enemy capital. However, we do not want to give the enemy any more time to counterattack than necessary! Remember the words 'soldiers value speed,' and also, the famous warlord Nobunaga Oda, who always aimed for swift tactics once the battle began!!"

I Got a Fleet as a Reincarnation Bonus, But They're All Quirky!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora