Commencing Attack on the Capital

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This is this month's post.

Finally, the attack on the capital.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


In the capital city of the Kingdom of Olfastar, Incala, after receiving transmission stating "a military force resembling the Japanese army is launching an offensive on the port city of Sasante. Requesting aerial support from wyverns," the wyvern unit was dispatched. However, due to chaotic magical communication, contact with the wyvern unit and the Port Defense Command was lost, leading to the assumption that they had fallen. Consequently, the maximum alert level was implemented in the capital of Olfastar.

Andrew, commander of the capital city defense headquarters, felt anxious as there has been little to no clear information received to date.

"We don't know when the enemy will attack this capital. Stay vigilant, no matter what!!"

With this kind of tension prevailing since yesterday, it's been quite taxing for the members of the defense headquarters and the actual defense forces on alert duty. In fact, with little knowledge of the enemy's specifics and the possibility that the port city may have fallen, Andrew's eyes were bloodshot, indicating he hadn't slept a wink. Seeing Andrew in this state, one of his staff officers cautiously voiced their opinion.

"Commander, please at least take a moment to rest. If the commander is not in a position to command adequately, it significantly affects the operational efficiency of the troops. If the commander is in top condition, then we, as your subordinates, can also perform to our fullest."


Indeed, what the staff officer said is true. If a commander cannot perform at their best, the capabilities of the military under their command will greatly diminish, a fact that holds true throughout history, regardless of the era.

"...You're right. Well, then, bring me some fruit water."

"Yes, right away. Please wait a moment."

As Andrew sank deeply into his chair, the staff officer poured apple fruit water (juice) from a pot cooled by magic into a glass. Watching this, Andrew let out a long sigh.

"Well, even though contact with the wyvern unit has been lost, there's still a considerable force gathered for defense at the port. Even if they're in a disadvantageous position, we won't fall so easily."

"That's correct. Please, have a drink."

"Ah, thank you."

Taking the cup offered by the staff officer, Andrew began to slowly savor the coldness and sweetness.

At that moment, an operator exclaimed in a panicked voice.

"Transmission from the southern monitoring outpost! 'Confirmed enemy force exceeding several thousand. Flags indicate Japan. Distance approximately 10 kilometers!'"



The timing of events seemed to be guided by some kind of fate. Little did they know, the defense commander of the port city had also sprayed out tea in a similar manner upon the Japanese army's arrival.

Coughing but determined, Andrew quickly issued orders.

"P-prepare for interception immediately! Once the enemy enters the range of our magical cannons, bombard them with artillery fire!"

"Y-yes, sir! Commencing deployment!"

Unaware that the port city might have already fallen, and not anticipating that the enemy would appear within a day, the defense forces of the capital city of Olfastar were plunged into severe chaos.

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