Chapter 10

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They reached Muhsin's house in less than twenty minutes due to the shortcut that Abubakar seems to be using nowadays.

Waleeda was the first person to get out of her father's Peugeot, for some reason , it just smells like petrol today which made her to feel suffocated.

She slightly coughed as she put her palm on her chest as of short of breath after getting out of the car .

"Ha a ! What happened that you're coughing like this ? " Abubakar asked his daughter when seeing her in an unlikely state .

Waleeda took a deep breath and shook her head horizontally which Abubakar accepted and continued walking towards the inner part of Muhsin's house .

They walked and passed the garden , the gym , the meeting room , the mosque and the mysterious room with white painted door that they still don't know what it is before following a hallway that has gravels which leads directly to the gate-sized white door .

This time around , it was Waleeda that knocked very lightly on the door but there was no response. Abubakar hissed and said "That is not how to knock ! ". He raised his hand intending to knock loudly but the door swung open .

Khalil's wide eyes was staring at the father and the daughter before shifting aside for them to come in . He's wearing a white clean hoodie with a pair of white joggers that matches perfectly.

Abubakar went ahead and sat on the sofa , there was nobody in the huge parlor so Waleeda was comfortable enough to copy her father's action . Khalil also sat opposite them , staring at them intensively with his huge eyes .

Abubakar sighed and then said "Must always tell you to go and call your parents for god's sake ? , that's what you should do whenever you see a visitor! If not you can get .........easily kidnapped " .

Khalil continued to sit down and didn't even move an inch , for once , even Waleeda was a bit surprise until when she heard a voice behind them .

"Welcome Abubakar and Waleeda " Khadija greeted as she graciously matched into the parlor, this time around she wants wearing a gown rather it's a white top with long flat hands and pure white skirt that fitted but flat at the down .

Abubakar gave a smile and also greeted back , Waleeda did the same .

Muhsin joined them a few minutes later and from the way he's wearing a white outfit like the rest rather than an office suit , Waleeda could guess that he didn't go to office today . They kept on talking about the wedding preparation while Waleeda boringly listened as she takes small sip of water that was brought by the maid .

"Khalil! Go and call kamil to see his future wife ! ". Muhsin said to his small son .
He immediately stood up and walked into the right corner of the house where the stairs is located .

He then came back and informed that he has called him . Khalil then sat beside Waleeda. She turned and saw the cutest face looking at her . "Hi......" she said to Khalil with a small willing smile on her face . Khalil replied to her greeting with a smile too .

"Is he your father ? " Khalil asked as he points at Abubakar who's interestingly chatting with Muhsin and khadija .

"Yes ....why do you ask though ? " Waleeda replied with a question of her own .

Khalil shook his head before replying with "You two are very ......different "

"Do you really like my brother? " Khalil asked again . "I promised myself to get him the best wife ..." He added stressing the best wife .

Waleeda didn't know what to say as a reply to this inquisitive small boy so she kept quiet .

"Do you ? " Khalil asked again .
"Does your brother like me ? No ! How will I like him then ? " Waleeda finally spoke .

Khalil kept quiet for some time before saying "but he doesn't know you , maybe that's why he doesn't like you " Khalil replied with a small frown as if his brother , kamil, is the best bachelor in the whole world .

Waleeda sighed and also replied with " But I also don't know him " She doesn't understand the type of love he has for his brother . For a moment , she wished she had one too .

"Alright then , I'll tell you about him .He is 25 years old and ..." Khalil replied, he vowed to make Waleeda to like his brother .

He kept quiet waiting for Waleeda to ask him a question about kamil .

She also kept quiet trying to think of a question to ask . She personally doesn't want to know anything about kamil , it's not that she loves him but she has to ask because of Khalil who's like on a mission to make her like kamil .

"How does he walk when he's blind ? How does he see me ? How ? " Waleeda finally asked the triggering question that has been bothering her .

"You know ......My brother isn't completely blind , as for how he sees , I promise you that my bother doesn't see , he only feels " Khalil answered her honestly.

"What do you mean by he's not completely blind ?! " She asked with wide surprising eyes .

Khalil chuckled a bit due to her facial expression, this is the first time she's seeing him chuckling and the sight of a sweet kid chuckling just melted her heart .

"He sees , but only in the night " Khalil replied , as if he had to force his mouth to say the last part of his sentence.


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