Chapter 45

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Waleeda simply stayed quite in her husband's arms till they reached the living room where he gently placed her on the largest couch in the living room .

Just as they arrived , a familiar maid entered placing the foods on the table before quickly walking out of the living room .

"Can you eat or is your mouth too tired to do that ? " Kamil asked in a teasing tone reaching out for the garnished  jollof rice in front of him .

Waleeda merely rolled her eyes before moving to sit so as she can eat . She removed her high heels first allowing her legs to be free of the torture that it has been giving her .

Kamil fetched the jollof rice on a spoon and brought it close to Waleeda's mouth urging her to eat it , Waleeda opened her mouth for Kamil to put the rice in which he gently did .

That's how she continued to be fed by Kamil until a loud burp was heard coming out from Waleeda's mouth to indicate how full she is .
Waleeda embarrassingly covered her mouth with her palm while Kamil just chuckled after hearing the sound .

"Are you full ? " Kamil asked passing her a cup of water at the same time dragging the fruits tray closer to her side of the table .

"Obviously I am . " Waleeda replied collecting the water from him so as she can gulp on it by herself . She placed the cup back on the table before heaving a sigh of relief .

Kamil starts to eat his own food not intending on going back to the events center , the quiet living room sounds more peaceful than the full event center that's filled up with guests .

Waleeda wanted to ask where Hibbatullah is since she hasn't seen her since after finding out that she's now blind .
"Kamil where's Hibbatullah ? " Waleeda asked at the same time hoping that the question won't spoil his mood and lucky for her it didn't .

Kamil simply shot her smile saying "Her mother picked her up since actually. " He replied and casually continued to eat his food and relieved that he's over Hibbatullah now that he has found his real life partner .

Waleeda nodded her head in response , she wonder where Hibbatullah's mother has been all along that it's now she's finally showing up to pick her daughter after she's become blind .

"Stop thinking about whatever is making you frown like that and replace it with a smile . " Kamil said and that's when Waleeda even noticed that she's been frowning while thinking, she just hope it won't turn out to be a habit for her to frown while thinking .

Kamil soon finished eating and leaned back to relax his back in the cushion at the same time removing his cap to reveal his curly hair that's a little bit wet due to sweats after being covered for a long time .

"I forgot to ruffle those today . " Waleeda said referring to Kamil's curls .

Waleeda got up from her couch and went behind the one Kamil is sitting on as she starts to ruffle his hair enjoying how soft it feels , She suddenly starts to braid his hair while Kamil just keep quiet for her to continue since it feels like a massage .

"Tell me if it's painful . " Waleeda said before continuing to braid his hair that became loose as soon as she has plaited it due to how soft it is , though she still continued trying to braid it regardless of its softness.

"Will do . " Kamil replied closing his eyes at the massage that's making him to feel sleepy .

Waleeda continued to braid his hair when she noticed that he's already starting to close his eyes .

"Wake up jare . " Waleeda said , stopping her movements on his hair to make him open his eyes which he quickly did .

"Not fair , there was a time I let you sleep when I was massaging your hair . " Kamil responded , closing his brown eyes again to sleep .

"Whatever . " Waleeda mumbled and continue to plait his curls into braids for a long time while the rest of the family are in the event center entertaining themselves .

Waleeda yawned for the umpteenth time now , she released Kamil's  hair and walked to sit beside him also wanting to sleep . Waleeda laid down beside Kamil placing her head on his lap , she closed her eyes dozing into a slumber .

Author : Thanks for reading SEE .
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