Chapter 29

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It was around nine in the morning when Waleeda rose up the next day feeling much more better now that this is the last day she'll be taking her medicines , she could feel the headache no more .

Waleeda rubbed her eyes with her finger walking up the bed towards the toilet where she bath , brushed and performed an ablution.

She dressed up in an amber colored gown that's flay in style tying it's scarf neatly around her braided dark hair . Waleeda walked out of her room intending to go to the dining room that's most likely to be empty right now since everyone has probably finished eating their breakfast by this time .

Waleeda was walking down the stairs when she saw Kamil walking up the stairs obviously back from eating breakfast . He was walking very slowly and cautiously so as not to trip on the stairs.

Waleeda made her presence known by clearing her throat . "Good morning " Waleeda greeted with a wide smile that showed her white thirty two set of teeth that Kamil couldn't see .

"You were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up . " Kamil suddenly said without her even asking making it to seem like he needs to explain himself . He entered her room earlier and the way her breathing was so low and soft , he knew she wasn't awake yet and was enjoying whatever dream she was having so he quietly left just like he entered .

"It's okay really. " Waleeda replied as she didn't see anything wrong in what he did , she was quite confused when Kamil turned and starts to walk down the stairs with her as she tried  to match up with his over-slow pace .

  "I'll escort you to the dining room."Kamil said to Waleeda who then held his hand to support him in walking down the stairs.

"Lets go and greet the parents first . " Waleeda said to Kamil stopping him from moving any further by holding his wrist .

"I already did . I'll escort you to greet them after you've finished your breakfast . " Kamil  responded as they continue to walk down the stairs in unison .

  "No let's go now . " Waleeda said to Kamil suddenly building up the interest of greeting before eating . It seems like Waleeda's stomach isn't in support of her sentence as it released a loud grumble that made Kamil to laugh due to the sound her stomach made .

  "Let's feed this first . " Kamil said touching her stomach that was quite hard to find with his palm which Waleeda smacked his soft plam away from her tummy , she kept quiet till they reached the dining room which is empty void of any human presence apart from Waleeda and Kamil .

  The double glass censored doors of the dining room automatically opened when they neared it , Waleeda entered first with Kamil following right behind her .

She walked to her usual spot settling herself in the comfy green colored chair  of the dining room , Waleeda's eyes wandered across the wrapped up pancakes , burgers , sandwiches , some healthy drinks and varieties of fruits on the large dining table .

She knew she couldn't eat everything that's in the table so she went for the burgers and some fruits together with an exotic drink . Kamil just sat quietly beside her with his blind eyes staring at the white painted walls . 

"You have two things to do today so don't forget . " Waleeda suddenly blurted out reminding Kamil of his indirect promise to her .

  "Waleelee I know . " Kamil said as he rummage his hand across his curly hair nervously. He's only nervous about meeting up with the imam but not about Hibbatullah's case .

Waleeda took the last bite  of her burger and then turned to ruffle Kamil's curly hair making it even more messed up that it already is . "I forgot to do this today . " She said still ruffling his hair while he just stayed quiet enjoying the ruffle that felt like a massage to him .

  Waleeda retracted her hand and reached out for the drink taking a gulp before saying "I guess you were awake all night practicing how to confront Hibbatullah ."

Kamil released a short sigh "Not at all . " He replied wondering why he'll do that when he has business work to do at night using his apple laptop .
"Done. Now lets go and greet . " Waleeda said after taking the last sip of her drink , she wiped her hands and her lips with different napkins before standing up together with Kamil .

The two made their way up the stairs again , they first walked to Muhsin's room but found it empty meaning he had probably left for work so they walked to Khadijah's room which they gladly found her in there .

It was only after greeting Khadijah and having a little chit chats with her that they left the room now walking towards Waleeda's room .

Waleeda pushed open her door for Kamil to enter and closed it back when he's fully in the room . She sat by the edge of her bed while Kamil sat in front of her , she  peacefully swallowed her medicine without Kamil even saying anything.

"So about going to the imam ? " Waleeda asked wanting to know the time  Kamil will be ready to meet up with the suggested imam .
"After Maghrib   In Sha Allah . " Kamil replied since that's the time his eyes starts to see .

"And the Hibbatullah's ...? " Waleeda started but was cut off by Kamil who said "after returning from the imam in Sha Allah . " Kamil replied making Waleeda to from a satisfied smile on her face .

She has this strange feeling that everything will be fine after praying the duas that's going to be said by the imam . The strong smell of the medicine made it obvious to Kamil that she has taken it so he got up ready to leave.

"And I'll be returning to my University next week . " Waleeda quickly said to Kamil before he left .

"Which one ? " Kamil asked wanting to know the University she is in , it quite surprising how he doesn't even know yet Waleeda decided to hide the surprising tone in her voice . "Skyline " She replied .

"Won't you stay for more week ? "Kamil asked not knowing exactly why he did so . "Don't worry it's off campus. " Waleeda replied while Kamil responded by giving a nod . He quietly exited the room walking slowly so as not to miss any step .

Author : Thank you for reading SEE.
Pls do check out my other stories too : MIGRATION , HEART SHADES AND MIXED ACADÉMIE . 🤍


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