Chapter 13

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Waleeda couldn't believe that everything is happening so fast , it's already the wedding day and Waleeda was awaken early by her mother to dress up .

"Celester is putting on makeup for you , I've already called her " Munira said after waking up the still sleepy Waleeda.

"Mama .. I want no makeup please" Waleeda pleaded even though she knows it's pointless because Munira will still force her to do it .

"Bath , pray and come downstairs for your makeup and that's it . " Munira said and quickly went out of the room .
Waleeda did exactly as she was told and went downstairs after . She saw Celester sitting on the couch in the living room with a bubble gun in her mouth .

"Good morning " Waleeda greeted and Celester answered with a smile .
"Alright let's start ! " Celester said and got up to open her makeup kit.

Waleeda tried to stay as firm as possible so as not to spoil her makeup but at the same time she was feeling tied of sitting down in one place for what feels like forever .

It was only after the makeup was done that Waleeda was allowed to see herself in the mirror . At first even Waleeda couldn't recognize herself .
"I look ... different. " Waleeda said admiring her stunning looks in the mirror, this is the first time she's liking a makeup.

"Okay put on your dress and meet me in the car . " Munira said after admiring how stunning her daughter is looking .

"Mama you're following us today ? " Waleeda asked in wonder .
"It's not a long journey from here to the wedding center , it's merely a ten minutes drive and moreover it's my own daughter's wedding . "Munira answered and went out short after .

Waleeda's bright golden wedding gown matches perfectly with her skin color and makeup . She surely do looks like a bride.
She entered the car which Abubakar is the driver and Munira is seated at the passenger seat while Waleeda sat at the back seat .

" Good morning Baba ."Waleeda greeted after adjusting her wedding gown to fit into the car .

  "Morning Waleeda. " Abubakar answered admiring how beautiful his daughter look like a princess, the beautiful princess she is .

  "Mama where are we going to ?" Waleeda asked curiously.
"The marhaba event center "Munira excitedly answered . It was the Muhsin's' that chose this venue for the wedding and completed all the finance needed .

Waleeda kept quiet for the whole twenty minutes drive till they reached Marhaba event center .She was quiet surprised that her makeup didn't fade away and is still intact .
Everything has already been made ready for the wedding and it was only the bride they were waiting for .

  Khalil came out dressed in a maroon kaftan to walk the bride in with basket of scented roses on his hand .

   Waleeda's entry was eye catching and everyones' eyes was on her .She quietly walked in with Khalil infront her spraying flowers for her to match . Everyone was up on their feet till after the bride reached her groom.

"Do you accept Kamil Muhsin to be your rightful husband Islamically and heartily? " The invited imam , imam Muhammad who is a close friend of Abubakar and knows Waleeda quite well asked Waleeda who is now facing Kamil .

   Kamil was dressed in a golden kaftan which matches with Waleeda's one too .  His handsome face shine even brighter in the wedding center as many eyes were on him more than on Waleeda.

    "Yes , I accept him as my husband . " Waleeda replied , the words sounding heavy on her tongue . She doesn't know if she'll be able to be a good wife but all she knows is that she'll try her best to be one .

  "Now your turn Kamil, do you accept Maryam Waleeda Abubakar to be your wife islamically and heartily ? " imam Muhammad asked kamil.

Kamil was quiet, probably in a deep thought that the imam had to clear his throat before kamil acknowledged him .

"I.. sorry I didn't hear you . " kamil apologized.
"Do you accept her to be your wife ? " Imam Muhammad asked trying to shortcut the sentence.
"Yes . " Kamil replied with his eyes looking down due to the fact that they can't see in the day .

  "Masha Allah , I now pronounce you two husband and wife . " imam Muhammad said making  all the crowd to cheer while some applauded.

The event continued like any normal wedding should except that this one is more lit , Waleeda saw many faces , some of which she has seen before while some she has never set her eyes on .

The wedding ended with a lot to eat and drink . Probably one of the most expensive wedding as it was being talked about even after the event .


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