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                    SOME YEARS LATER

It has been some years since when Waleeda and Kamil moved out of the Muhsin's mansion after Kamil had bought a huge mansion of his own with his company expanding in size. Likewise Waleeda's designer sales business too.

Waleeda turned on the hot water allowing it to flow for a considerable amount of time before changing it to cold water, when the water in the  massive bathtub is of a proportional temperature, she turned off the water tap completely. She could feel the weight of another body inside her stomach and the scanning she had last month revealed to her that she's carrying two souls inside of her, twins of which one is a boy and the other a girl.

She stared at her facial reflection on the large mirror of the bathroom seeing how she has grown into an even more beautiful creature, her outstanding beauty is still an undeniably one and her glowing skin still stays constant.

"Manal ! Come on and get a bath." Waleeda called out waking out of the bathroom into the bedroom to see her first born, a light skinned girl of six years that physically looks more like her father, kamil, from the light skin to the straight nose and even the brown eye color. Waleeda smiled seeing Manal playing with Kamil as she throws pillow at Kamil who threw back without any hesitation. Waleeda couldn't help but feel a pang for pity towards Hadiya, the house maid that is in charge of cleaning Manal's room.

Waleeda crossed her arm across her chest as she stare at them in disbelief, whereas the two of them continued to throw the pillows at each other both chuckling until they noticed Waleeda standing and looking at the mess they've created with their 'pillow throwing okay'. It was Kamil that noticed Waleeda standing first and when he saw her he whispered to Manal saying "Mummy is here."

They both stood in front of Waleeda like thieves caught in the act and did not speak until when Waleeda broke the silence by saying "Jeez." While putting a hand on her forehead as if she's tired of talking. Kamil quickly rushed to her side taking hold of her hand before saying "Manal apologize to mummy."

Manal's long ponytail of silky black hair swung as she raised her head slowly saying "Sorry mummy." While holding both her ears with a puppy look on her face. Manal ran to hug her mother pulling her fathers hand to make it a family hug.

"Yeah that's what you always say Manal, now come let me give you a bath." Waleeda said pulling Manal to the bathroom where she bath Manal before wrapping her in a towel. Kamil helped Waleeda to dress Manal up in an outfit of white top and a pink flay skirt.

Waleeda picked up the hair brush to work on Manal's hair when Kamil moved his hand to collect is saying "Let me." Waleeda moved the comb away refusing to give him as she's still angry of the fact that he's encouraging Manal to disarrange the room by throwing things around.

"I'm sorry Waleelee, it was Manal that started it." Kamil said pointing at Manal who's seated on the small stool by the mirror side waiting for her hair to be tended to.
Kamil collected the comb by forced before adding "Moreover, you should be resting, you have a whole treasure inside of you ya ruhi." He added pecking her forehead affectionately before turning to gently start combing Manal's hair with the comb.

"Abba." Manal called looking at her father's reflection through the mirror she's in front of right now, his thick eyebrows rose as he answered her "Yes, Abba's girl." Kamil answered trying his best to be as gentle as possible with Manal's silky hair while Manal continued to speak "Remember the time you came to pick me up from school on a Friday..?" Manal asked while Kamil stayed mute for some seconds to remember.

"The time that my class teacher gave you my water bottle that I almost forgotttt...??" Manal added.

"What happened ne ?" Kamil asked wondering why his daughter is suddenly asking him to remember a particular Friday that he came to pick her up from her school.

"My class teacher, Mrs.Faith, the next day...told me to get your number for her you see." Manal said making Waleeda's attention to snap to them from where she's laying down on Manal's bed, she sat down properly making a direct eye contact with Kamil through the mirror as she display a clear expression of jealousy. Kamil stiffened a smile at her expression.

"What did you tell her?" This time around it was Waleeda that spoke directing her question to Manal, she didn't fail to miss Kamil's stiffened smile as he innocently continued to comb Manal's hair.

"I told her my Abba has my lovely mum and so his number is private.." Manal said shaking her proudly making a smile to be formed on Waleeda's face.

"And what did she say ? " Waleeda continued to ask inquisitively.

"She said...that she could be my second lovely mummy." Manal responded causing a horrified expression to be formed on Waleeda's face opon hearing the whole second mummy thing.

"What..!" Waleeda snapped getting easily temperamental with the thought of having Mrs.Faith to be Manal's second mummy, just the thought of Kamil getting a second wife rigs her up, he is her husband only.
Kamil interrupted the whole silent dilemma by saying "you know what Abba's girl, next time your teacher ask you, do tell her that your Abba does not need a second mummy and that he already has a very beautiful wife."

"Yes Abba." Manal said chuckling at how her father described her mother as 'beautiful' which is, without a doubt true.

"Now come on let's go visit granny." Kamil said raising Manal up in his arms as he got a hold of Waleeda's hand before they began waking down the stairs to the car parking area so as they'll get to visit Muhsin, Khadijah and Abubakar and his wife.

It has been long Ik, I apologize for the...long wait.
Epilogue two next !

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