Chapter 31

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Waleeda continued to eat trying to ignore the despising look she's receiving from Hibbatullah , She mumbled an Alhmadulillah and got up together with Kamil as they both walked out of the dining room .

Waleeda stayed quiet as they walk towards her room , her mind busy with thinking about Kamil's blindness, she can't even imagine being blind yet when she turned to look his face , it didn't show any hurt feeling or so .... Probably because he's used to it .

"I'm sorry. " Waleeda blurted out suddenly feeling a gush of sympathy and empathy for him , she feel bad for his condition but whenever she glance at his handsome face , she detects no any negative emotion from its expression.

It took Kamil some second to actually understand why Waleeda was apologizing yet when he finally got the reason , he released a low chuckle "Its not your fault Waleelee . " Kamil said making his way up the stairs in a slow pace with Waleeda's hand as support.

"Doesn it hurt in your eye ? " Waleeda asked when they reached her room , she stepped inside with Kamil following behind her as they both sat on the comfy couch that's opposite the queen sized bed in the room .

  "Does it hurt ? " Waleeda asked again when Kamil didn't answer her at first . "No.." Kamil replied with a sigh coming after his sentence.

Waleeda reached out for her medicine swallowing the pills peacefully "You know the medication is finishing today right ? " Waleeda asked internally celebrating her victory of finishing her medicines without skipping a day or two , all thanks to Kamil .

"Thank you . " Kamil said to Waleeda who in return kept quiet wondering why he's suddenly  thanking her .

"For ? " Waleeda asked not hiding her the surprise in her soft tone .

"For... for ... for ....for "

"Kamil for what ? " Waleeda  asked cutting off the stammering guy that's probably finding it hard to say whatever he wanted to say .
"For your support. " Kamil turned to give Waleeda a stare , a stare that always makes her think he can actually see her yet she knows he could not . She knows it's the intensity is the stare and the beauty of his brown eyes that makes her think he can actually see .

"Oh C'mon it's my responsibility anyways . " Waleeda shrugged as she replied .

  "Wait ... you only support me because it's your responsibility ? " Kamil asked clearly showing his disappointment in his tone , among all the previous women that claims to love him , it was only Waleeda that didn't accept his money rather she supported him .

  "Of course yes , what other reason could there be ? " Waleeda responded sincerely . She doesn't see any other apart from the fact that it's her responsibility as his wife to support him

"I thought it's because you love me . " Kamil replied with a soft laugh that almost sounded humorless to Waleeda .

"You told me yourself not to expect love in this marriage . " Waleeda reminded him about what he said to her some weeks ago . She'll remember that sentence for the rest of her life
Just know that you'll not get love in this marriage .

"Even if I'm to expect love , I won't start loving you until you start loving me . "  Waleeda said her own with a hit of finality in her tone , she doesn't want to get her heart hurt by starting to like him first only for him not to like her back .

"what if I say I have already stated loving you ? " Kamil asked staring at the confused Waleeda even more .

"I will think you're lying . " Waleeda replied at the same time wondering why he'll even say that .

  "Have I ever lied to you ? " Kamil asked Waleeda who then started to think about his question . "I guess not . " Waleeda replied .

"You don't have to answer me now , take your time . " Kamil said to Waleeda who felt more than relieved to hear what he just said , she wants to take some time to about loving her own husband , to think about giving him her heart .

  The topic of like has gone past because she knew she liked him since , but now that they are on the topic of love , she has to think about giving her heart to him forever, she has to make sure that he'll place it safely and not break it .

"Let's talk about this tomorrow. " Waleeda said not liking how awkward the atmosphere turned due to the topic at hand . Kamil simply nodded his head and stood up to exit the room . While Waleeda continued to think about what he just said . The are just two simply answers , it's either a yes or a No .

Waleeda decided to brush the thought away for now , she moved to her bed settling down on its soft bouncy mattress where she picked up her phone so as to give the imam a call .

She's not related to the imam by blood and so ... , just that he's somehow friends with her father and knows her quite well .

The imam picked up as soon as it started ringing, it was as if he knew that she was going to call .

"As Salam . " Waleeda said to the imam whom she saved his contact as imam Muhammad.
"Wa Salam Maryam. " He answered using her first name , the name he always use to address her , Waleeda doesn't know why he prefer to use Maryam instead of Waleeda .

"We will be coming to your place today " Waleeda said to the imam who replied "We ? "

"Yes we , including Kamil . " She responded .
"Alright. " He said trying to hide the surprise in his tone , he wonder why Kamil will be coming to his place together with Waleeda.

Of course he knows Waleeda but he doesn't really know much about Kamil apart from the fact that he's Waleeda's blind husband .

Author : thank you for reading SEE , pls do vote , share and comment.

Pls do check out my other stories : MIGRATION , HEART SHADES AND MIXED ACADÉMIE.

For those interested interested in duas the check out DAILY DEEN .

Thank you 🤍

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