Chapter 32

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  Nighttime turned out to be Waleeda's best time of the day due to the fact that that's when Kamil starts to see , that's when the brightness of his brown eyes increases , that's when his smile becomes wider and more genuine than ever .

Waleeda changed into a pure white Jilbab before stepping out of her room for dinner after praying maghrib .

Waleeda made her towards the stairs when she felt a familiar icy hand holding her hand . She didn't need to turn beside her to know who it is yet she still turned to look at Kamil that's  dressed in a pure white Jallabiya giving her a smile with his eyes set on her jilbab.

"After dinner..." Waleeda said to remind him an about going to imam Muhammad, she's just scared that Kamil might change his mind and refuse to go .

"I know Waleelee . " Kamil continued to walk down the stairs with Waleeda beside him .
When they reached the dining room , even Waleeda was surprised to see that they were the first to enter for dinner today .

Waleeda sat on her seat with Kamil beside her as they both prayed before starting to eat the egg rolls and puff puff while Kamil jumped straight to the main dish which is a colored jollof rice together with peppered soup which is a food that everyone enjoys eating in the house .

   Waleeda was eating when the rest of the family members entered silently taking their seats . "Good evening . " Waleeda greeted the elders that silently took their seats .
"Good evening dear . " Khadijah and Muhsin replied after taking her seats .

"Hello Aunt Waleeda . " Khalil waved as he starts to dig into his food making his hunger obvious since he normally doesn't forget table manners .
" Hey best friend . " Waleeda responded continuing to eat her food in silence just like how everyone else does.

"Mama . Baba , we are going to meet an imam after dinner . " Kamil said to his parents who didn't need to ask for the reason as they can already guess the reason . "Stay safe dears . " Muhsin replied referring to both Kamil and Waleeda.

  "I'll be waiting for good news from the imam ." Khadijah said continuing to eat her food clearly observing her usual table manners excluding the part that says to not talk when eating .

Waleeda wiped her lips before standing up to exit the dining room together with Kamil . The two of them were quiet as they walked out of the dining room , out of the living room now walking towards the wide parking lot where Abba , Khadijah and Kamil's cars are parked .

Kamil walked towards his black Toyota Camry with Waleeda by his side . She pulled open the door and step inside settling herself on the soft seat of the car . She could see from Kamil's tensed expression that he's quite nervous.

Waleeda moved her hand to hold his supportingly making him to relax his nerves a bit "You'll be fine ." Waleeda said to Kamil which sounded more like she's trying to assure herself than Kamil . Kamil quietly starts to drive as  Waleeda showed him  the direction to the imam's house with her index finger.

  "...Yes that white gate. " Waleeda said to Kamil as they finally reached their destination , kamil parked the car outside and got out of the car together with Waleeda turning to look at the quiet area they are now in .

  Kamil gave Waleeda a confused look that says are you sure this is the place , Waleeda simply held his hand guiding him towards the white gate , she pushed the door of the gate open as they both stepped inside the small corridor of the house .

Waleeda continued to walk inside dragging Kamil's arm until they reached a metallic door where she knocked a loud knock that echoed in the empty hallway of the house . The door was soon opened by a short looking woman who beamed a smile as if she was expecting to see Waleeda and Kamil .

She moved for the two of them to enter which they gladly did , Waleeda stepped into what seems looks like a living room that is way too small compared to the living room at Muhsin's mansion . "Sit down please, I'll go and tell him that you are here . " The woman said and disappeared into a corner .

  Waleeda sat down on the hard couch with Kamil beside her who seems to be feeling uncomfortable since he's not used to staying in a place like this .

Waleeda and Kamil stayed quiet until when a tall looking man with long beard appeared from the same corner and sat down opposite them dressed in a white jallabiya just like Kamil .

"As Salam . " Waleeda greeted and nudged Kamil's shoulder lightly indirectly telling him to greet the imam . Kamil got the signal and said "As Salam . " to the man who replied "Wa Alaykum-s Salam "

Waleeda starts to explain the issue at hand , she did most of the talking while Kamil was just giving suspicious gaze to the imam wondering wether to trust him or not . By the time Waleeda finished her narration, it was already almost time for isha prayer .

  "I am just a mere imam , I'm not God so I definitely can't return his sight to him ." Imam Muhammad said to Waleeda who felt almost close to loosing hope ,almost .
"But imam , is there like ...any special dua that I can do for my husband to see again ? " Waleeda insisted on asking not wanting to loose hope just yet . Imam Muhammad could sense the worry in her tone , he didn't want to leave ghee hopeless.

"If you can try then fast for a month and each and every day in that month pray to God for your husband . I think this will help . " Imam Muhammad replied while Kamil was ready to object by saying  "No . " He doesn't want Waleeda to suffer fasting just for his eyes when it's not even Ramadan .

  Waleeda ignored Kamil's word as she replied the Imam "Thank you Imam , I'll surely do it . " Waleeda replied before exchanging a 'farewell' with the Imam . The two humans walked out of the house in an awkward silence.

Waleeda entered the car together with Kamil as they sat in silence until Kamil spoke
"Waleelee you're not going to do that . " Kamil said to Waleeda who has already  made up her mind to fast for a whole month starting from tomorrow .

"I will do it . " Waleeda stated with finality in her tone , she likes food , she's a foodie to be specific but she will do this just for Kamil to see again . Just for him to feel the same like how any other normal human beings feels in the morning and afternoon .

  Kamil pulled Waleeda into a tight bone cracking hug , a hug to show how grateful he is for all the support and indirect love she's showing him  while Waleeda simply wrapped her arms around his neck . "Then I will also fast for a month together with you . " Kamil said to Waleeda after releasing her from the hug .

Waleeda sniffed her jilbab satisfied with the new scent on her clothes , the same smooth vanilla , must and vetiver scent . She really like the perfume and will love to know the name .
"I'll get it for you when we reach home . " Kamil said to Waleeda as if he could see her thoughts .

"Thank you but I don't mind getting it from your cloth everyday . " Waleeda replied as Kamil started driving towards the Muhsin's mansion but when he heard the call of prayer in one of the mosques nearby , he suggested for them to pray before continuing their short journey.


Author: Thank you for reading SEE .
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Pls do check out my other stories : MIGRATION, HEART SHADES AND MIXED ACADÉMIE.

For those of you interested in duas then pls check DAILY DEEN .

Thank you 🤍

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