Chapter 24

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   " You're really going to stay here all day ? " Waleeda asked Kamil for the umpteenth time now .

" Why do I feel like you don't like my presence here ? " Kamil asked instead of replying to her question , thinking about it now he also wouldn't mind leaving the room as he knows if he stay any longer then he will have to open up all the details about his past to his wife who seems to be the inquisitive type .

  "I will see you later then . " Kamil said getting up from the bed to exit Waleeda's room .
"Do you need help ? " Waleeda asked sacred that he might not be able to reach his room since he can't see .

   "I have been doing this without your help . " Kamil replied trying to hide the pain in his words , the pain of being day blind because of a money ritual , because of trusting a wrong person that he happens to still trust .

  "Just asking." Waleeda responded still seated on her bed looking at Kamil who is now standing close to the  well sculpted door of Waleeda's room .

   " Trust me Waleeda , I will be fine . " Kamil replied and then moved his hand to touch the door until his hand came in contact with the metallic door handle which he opened and exited the room .

  Waleeda only averted her gaze from the door when he closed it back , even now she's still scared that he might not be able to reach his room , she doesn't used to be worried about him before she got married to him but now that she is ... things are starting to change and she can feel that change.

   Waleeda reached out for her phone intending to give her mother a call , Her mother picked up just as it started ringing  . "Waleelee . " Munira said through the phone using the nickname she has not been calling Waleeda with for years.

  "Good morning. " Waleeda greeted her mother with a wide smile on her face , a smile that only Munira could bring to Waleeda's face .

  "How are you and your in laws ? " Munira asked while Waleeda shortly replied with "fine."

"How's Kamil ? " Munira asked .

  "He's fine , actually he just left the room . " Waleeda replied still feeling his presence in the room even when he's not inside now .

" I hope you've captured his heart Waleelee. " Munira said to Waleeda whose cheeks turned a blush of pink . Waleeda wonder how she can capture his heart when she's not a camera.

  " Mama , there's a family reunion next week  and Kamil said to tell you and Baba . " Waleeda said to her mother who at first stayed quite before replying "I will talk to Abubakar about it and hear what he has to say , let's hope his reply will be good because I'll love to come and see you people . "

  Waleeda pursed her lips remembering how  her mother has to seek for her father's permission in doing everything , but is it really necessary when it comes to family reunions. Waleeda's scared that he might say 'No' and that 'No' might stop her mother from coming.

  "Alright Mama . Later . " Waleeda replied and dropped her phone beside her on the bed with a long sigh . She wonder why the day is not going fast , in fact the week is not going fast enough for her .

She needs to talk to Kamil about her resuming University, so she decided to do that after the family reunion. She can't just ignore her studies just because she's a newly wed , not that it's a love marriage  .

Waleeda stayed on her bed scrolling through her phone for hours , and hour and hours till the Muslim pro app on her phone notified her for zuhr prayer time . That's when she got up feeling normal now as her dizzy state has gone .

She performed an ablution and prayed zuhr praying with all her attention on the prayer . She decided to step downstairs for lunch since she's feeling quite better now .

Waleeda re-wrapped her veil before stepping out of her room , she walked along the corridor reaching the stairs . She climbed down the stairs and matched straight to the huge dining room that already has everyone seated on their respective seats . Except for Hibbatullah of course.

" Good afternoon . " Waleeda greeted both Muhsin and Khadijah who gave her the sweetest smile possible , Waleeda knows that Muhsin has probably been told about Hibbatullah's return . She sat down close to Kamil who is holding a confused frown that's indirectly asking her why she's out of her room .

Waleeda swallowed her saliva when she noticed a fried rice , peppered chicken , peppered soup , coleslaw,  cheese cakes , muffins , protein salad , avocado , watermelons , grapes , cupcakes , sponge cakes  and some soft drinks including some nutritious drinks arranged on the table .

Waleeda first confirmed that the food is void of any fish before she start eating the well garnished fried rice scooping some coleslaw together with it , Waleeda was eating enjoying the rich taste of the food when she heard Khadijah said "Waleeda , Kamil told us how terribly sick you are , how are you feeling now ? "

Waleeda turned to give Kamil a look that says 'why did you lie ?' Yet Kamil didn't react because he couldn't see her, he can not see .
Muhsin and Khalil turned to give Waleeda a worried look that clearly shows their concern .
"It's nothing serious , just an allergy. " Waleeda replied and continue to munch on the peppered chicken that she's eating now .

"Are you sure ?" Muhsin asked Waleeda giving her a fatherly look which she responded by nodding her head as she continue to eat her food .  Kamil stood out of the conversation by keeping quiet only focusing on his food though his ears are still in the conversation.

  Muhsin and Khadijah were the first to exit the huge dining room after they've finished eating their food though they couldn't finish all , Khalil got up to leave when he's done but before he left , he turned to gaze at Kamil then gazed at Waleeda giving her a *wink* before leaving only Waleeda and Kamil in the pretty huge dining room .

Waleeda nudged Kamil's shoulder a little bit hard "It was only an allergy , why did you lie ? " Waleeda asked Kamil wondering why he'll disturb the family's peace of mind by saying terribly sick .   
"Waleeda eat your food in peace and allow me to eat mine in peace . "  Kamil said to Waleeda as his hand reached out searching for something on the table that he couldn't seem to find due to the fact that he can not see .

"What do you want ? " Waleeda asked Kamil intending to help him with whatever he's trying to reach out for . " I can get it by myself . " Kamil responded and continued to rummage across the table falling a cup in the process.

  "What. Do . You . Want ? " Waleeda asked stressing each and every word she pronounced as she direct her gaze to Kamil .
"Water . " Kamil replied not looking at Waleeda's eyes rather looking elsewhere .

Waleeda sighed as she reached out for the nestle bottled water that's directly by Kamil's left hand side , she poured the water in a glass cup and passed it to him making sure that he has gotten grip of it .  "Thank you . " Kamil mumbled as he gulped on the water .

"Always feel free to ask for my help Kamil . " Waleeda said to Kamil as she continued eating her food at the same time wondering why he didn't like to ask for help. He's strong by himself, that's something everyone knows but at times when he is in need of help , he should ask her .

Author : Thank you for reading SEE
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