Character Information

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Name- Akira Nanami (Hani calls him Aki-Chan)

Height- 5' 3"

Age: 16

Looks- Blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Has porcelain white skin and scars on his torso and arms(will be explained in Bio)

Family- mother- Mia Nanami (deceased), Tenma Nanami (Alive), Sister- Kat Nanami (deceased)Status- Rich

Blood Type- AB

Likes- Black, quiet people, people who are down to Earth, People who know when to stop pushing on a subject he doesn't want to talk about, and Haruhi (Sisterly Way)

Dislikes- His father, Pink, Annoying People, his scars, bullies, any color other than black

Fears- His Father (Explained in Bio)

Personality- He is protective over Haruhi and usually quiet. When he smiles it never reaches his eyes. He is a very sweet person once you get to know him. He can be cold and distant after his father and him "Talk". The only person he isn't cold or distant to is Haruhi is because she reminds him of his younger sister, Kat, who was killed in the accident his mother was killed in. He is also a very skilled fighter.

Bio- Akira is the only son of the Nanami family. He is small for his age (only a couple of inches taller than Haruhi). His mother loved him very much. So did his father, but when Mia, his mother, was in an accident, his father started changing, every night when he gets home from school his father would punish him for one thing or another and the punishments were horrible. He would get beaten and bruised, made to live with scars for the rest of his life. He ends up getting a scholarship at Ouran for art. His father could have paid for the school, but he hates his son and blames him for Mia's and Kat's death.

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