Chapter 14: Death never leads to happiness part 1

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Yes, as you can see by the title chapter the next two or three chapters will be feely. this one is shorter then the rest of my chapters, I'm going to try to make the next one longer, but it will be super feely so yeah, any way on with the story!


I had just missed a couple weeks of school due to being sick, so Haruhi had to fill me in when she got home from school.

~Flashback last week~

"I'm home!" Haruhi stated. I got up and wrapped and blanket around me. I looked like a mess. My skin was paler then usual and my nose was red.

"Welcome home, what happened today?" I asked between coughs.

"Well remember how I told you Hikaru and Kaoru were fighting?" she asked. I nodded in response. "They were faking it and now they get to come over to our house," she finished. I sighed.

"Should've seen it coming, they are the mischievous type for a reason," I stated going back to the living room. I didn't want to sleep in Haruhi's room and make her sick so I sleep in the living room. I sat on the couch going back to watching T.V. Haruhi came and sat next to me.

"What are we watching?" she asked.

"Don't really know, it was just on when I woke up." I replied.

~flashback over~

"What happened today?" I asked. she sighed then smiled slightly.

"A grade schooler came in and asked to be Tamaki's apprentice, I told you this right?" she asked. I nodded. "It turns out that he only wanted to make one girl happy, so Tamaki helped him learn a song on the piano and we put on a recital for him and the little girl," she finished.

"Sounds nice," I stated. She nodded and we went back to watching T.V.

"I think I'm going back to school tomorrow," I stated. She looked at me and nodded. The rest of the night wasn't that eventful. We just watched t.v until Ranka came home then Haruhi made dinner and I went to bed.

~Time skip next day~

I walked into my class and the twins instantly came up to me.

"Hey, Akira!" Hikaru said.

"Where have you been?" Kaoru asked.

"I was sick," I told them. After the Renge incident I've been more friendly with the club, but that doesn't mean they have gotten me to smile for real. The twins and I talked until the teacher walked in. Class started and we learned worthless stuff that I will never use in my life. School had finally ended and it was club time. As soon as I walked in the doors Hani and Tamaki had glomped me.

"Aki-chan! you're back, we were so worried, right Takashi!" he exclaimed holding onto me. Mori nodded.

"My son, how I missed you, are you okay, did something bad happen!?" He yelled dramatically.

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry Tamaki," I said.

"But what happened you were gone for 2 weeks and we didn't hear anything from you and," he said, but I cut him off.

"Tamaki, I was just sick you don't need to freak out about it," I told him.

"We have about 5 minutes until opening, Akira, you should go get ready, we're doing the 19th century victorian age today," Kyoya said pausing all conversation. The twins grabbed me and rushed me to the dressing room and handed me an outfit. I had gothic victorian clothes. When I walked out they looked at me impressed.

"Aren't the ladies coming soon?" I asked. They all nodded and got into place. The doors opened and we welcomed the girls.

"Welcome," we said in unison. The hosts took their guests into their stations and I took mine as well.

"Ah, welcome back, Isabelle, Katie, Hanna, and of course Ms. Koizumi," I said once we sat down.

"It's nice to see you again Akira, we missed you!" Katie exclaimed, while Isabelle and Hanna nodded. I looked over at Ayame and she looked really awkward.

"You know, Ms. Koizumi, you don't have to feel awkward with me, just think of this as any other conversation we would have, okay!" I said. she nodded and it looked like it made her relax more. I continued with hosting until the guests left, the only one remaining was Ayame.

"Hey, Koizumi-san, the club is closed for today," I told her politely.

"Ah, I just wanted to thank you for what you said last time we talked," she stated shyly.

"Oh, that's okay, I would've said to anyone really, I don't want you to end up like me, never smiling you really do have a beautiful smile," I told her. She nodded.

"Thank you anyway, I really appreciated it," she smiled.

"see you really do have a beautiful smile, keep smiling okay," I told her. she nodded and left smiling. I sighed. I turned around to see the host club watching me.

"Wow, you didn't even smile when you were encouraging her!" Hani exclaimed. I only nodded. Suddenly my phone went off. I looked at the caller I.D. and it was unknown. I shruged and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Is this Akira Nanami?" an unfamiliar voice asked.

"Yes, but may I ask you this is?"

"Yes, My name is Toshiro Takahashi, I worked on your mother and sister after the incident," he answered. My blood ran cold, what if something happened to the rest of my family, yeah, I'm terrified of my father, but I can't bring myself to hate the man that gave me life.

"Did something happen?" I asked hesitantly. His next words made me forget everything, made my whole life crumble before my eyes a second time. "Sakura... she what?"

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