Chapter 18: Jungle Pool SoS part 2

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 Akira's POV

The water burned my healing wounds as I drifted down the river with Hani clutched tightly in my arms. I was running out of air quickly. Hani must be out of air by now I thought. Deciding that Hani was far more important than me, I pushed him to the surface. He gasped for air on the surface. I pushed him again and he ended up on the shore. The current however wouldn't let me swim to the surface. I felt myself start to sink. My limbs grew heavy and my eyes tired. I couldn't breath. My concious started slipping in and out when finally I gave in.

Hani's POV

I was waiting for Akira to follow me after he pushed me up to the shore, but he never followed.

"Aki-chan!?" I yelled out "Aki-chan where are you?" I yelled out again on the verge of crying. what if he died? It would be my fault and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. I made my mInd up. I jumped back into the current pool and found him at the bottom unconscious. The current had slowed down so I was able to pull him to the surface and on to the shore without much difficulty. He wasn't breathing. "Akira, wake up!" I cried out. I decided to do CPR until he coughed up the water.

Akira's POV

I woke up coughing up water and breathing heavily. I looked over and found Hani with tears in his eyes. I sighed in relief to see that he was okay.

"Aki-chan, are you alright?" Hani asked. I nodded and patted his head.

"Thanks Hani-senpai, I appreciate you saving my life," I said, "but, we should probably start trying to find our way back," I stated starting to stand up. He nodded and got up too. Hani and I walked for a while making small conversation here and there.

"Hey, Aki-chan, can you tell me about your mom and sister," Hani asked out of nowhere. I sighed.

"Why?" I asked. he shrugged his shoulders. I sighed. I want to tell them to let them know everything, but it hurts so much to even think about it. "I'm sorry Hani-senpai, I can't yet," I said.

"It's okay Aki-chan, you can tell us, whenever you're ready," he said. I nodded. We walked a bit more, we didn't talk, but then it started to rain. I sighed and took shelter with Hani right behind me. We stood under a tree for a while when Hani started climbing it.

"Hani-senpai, what are you doing?" I asked as he climber higher.

"Come on Aki-chan, we can get a better view from up here," he answered back. I sighed and reluctantly started climbing the tree after him. Hani stopped by a bunch of vines and looked around.

"Hey, isn't that Haru-chan and Takashi?" Hani asked pointing in a certain direction. I looked and smirked.

"It is, but they seem to be in a tight situation," I said looking at Hani. He nodded. He was obviously thinking what I was thinking. "So, let's get them out of it," I stated grabbing a vine. Hani followed after me.

"Takashi, Haru-chan, out of the way!" Hani yelled. He landed on the ground after kicking some guy in the face. I sighed and landed next to him.

"You get one half, I get the other?" I asked. He nodded and went to his half. I went to mine. In a matter of a few seconds my whole half was demolished as was Hani's, but his was less severe. Some of mine had broken bones and large gashes along their body. I sighed and looked over at Hani. He looked at me astonished.

"That was so cool Aki-chan!" he exclaimed jumping up and down. I shurugged and looked over at Haruhi.

"You okay, Haruhi?" I asked.

"I'm fine Akira... how did you...? she said looking at my demolished side.

"Oh yeah I trained in self defence and a bunch of other fighting styles, but the one you saw me use was one I created on my own," I stated. The three of them looked at me amazed.

"Haruhi! Haruhi, you alright?" I heard Tamaki shout from a distance. We looked over to see the rest of the host club running towards us. I sighed.

"Hey look it's Tama-chan," Hani said.

"Oh, wow, are you okay Senpai?" The twins asked Hani not even looking my way. Wow thanks, I'm alright too I thought.

"Haruhi!" Tamaki exclaimed throwing himself at her. "I was so worried," Tamaki said holding her. I looked over to the twins and saw them poking some of the soldiers we beat up. Hikaru was poking one that I had beaten up.

"You didn't hold back at all did you Senpai?" Hikaru asked poking my guy.

"I didn't beat that one up!" Hani exclaimed with flowers floating around him.

"Really, then who did?" The twins asked together.

"Aki-chan did!" he said. Everyone's eyes turned toward me. I shrugged and went back to looking at the flowers around us. I ignored their conversation until it was time to go. I distanced myself from everyone in the car. They didn't care enough to ask if I was alright after nearly dying from drowning and to be blunt, it hurt a lot. I sighed once again when the twins brought up a beach.

"You idiots, Haruhi's not interested in anything like that," Tamaki said once again ignoring my presence.

"Actually, I might like to go to the beach, I may not be into this sill water park, but I like the ocean, it would be nice to go to the beach and it's so pretty," Haruhi stated smiling.

"yeah, al right, then that's where we'll go next time," Tamaki stated.

"We're all going to go to the beach Tama-chan, that'll be fun don't you think?" Hani asked.

"Yeah," Mori said smiling. I sighed again. I looked in my bag that I amazingly didn't forget and pulled out my headphones. I pressed play on my MP3 and listened to my music until we stopped at the Hitachiin mansion. I climbed out and said my goodbyes to Haruhi and Hani who smiled in return. I ignored everyone else and walked in. I made my way to my room. I sat on my bed and waited. What was I waiting for, I don't know, but I waited and waited. Nothing happened. As I thought. They didn't even come to see if I was okay... bastards. I sighed and looked down at my hands. I saw little wet drops on them. Why... why was I crying, why did it hurt so much for them not to even see if I was okay. I closed my eyes and let the tears continuously roll down my face. I suddenly felt a pair of hand tilting my head up. I stared into the eyes of the twins.

"Hey... why are you crying?" Hikaru asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Akira, what's wrong?" Kaoru asked. I shrugged again.

"I don't know..." I whispered with my voice cracking. I felt myself be pulled into a gentle hug. Hikaru was hugging me, so was Kaoru. I couldn't keep my tears silent any more. I sobbed into Hikaru's chest as they comforted me. When I calmed down I could barely keep my eyes open. I was so tired from everything. I was tired of life, but I couldn't let go. I had to stay strong for Sakura and my friends. Friends... it felt weird calling them friends. I'll do my best to stay strong, but... I don't know how much more I can handle. The voiced in my head tell me to cover my skin with cuts and to end it all, but I can't, I won't let the voices take control. I'll fight this feeling as long as I can. I don't want to give up. With these thought I fell asleep in The twin's arms not wanting them to let go, but I know they will have to eventually.


Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Yes I actually managed to update on time! It's a miracle. anyway I'm really happy right now. I got a violin for Christmas and I can wait to start learning it. The violin has always been one of my favorite instruments if not my favorite. I might do a christmas special, but It won't be up  on christmas, but I can start writing it. So let me know if you want one and I'll make one. Thank you for supporting my story. Thanks for commenting and voting. I really enjoy you're comments they're funny sometimes and make me laugh. I really appreciate you guys reading my story so Thank you again!

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