Chapter 3: Akira's home life

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I went home after my run in with the host club, my first day will be tomorrow after school, but I have a meeting in the morning with them. I walked in through the doors hopping that my father was out. Luck was obviously against me today, he was waiting for me and he looked angry.

"Where have you been and why are you late?" he asked.

"At school, I joined a club today," I told him. I felt a force come in contact with my cheek.

"Did I give you permission to join a club?" he screeched pushing me down and kicking me in my sides.

"No, but they forced me to join," I managed to get out as he kicked me again.

"Forced? What a load of shit, they can't force you to join a club!" He yelled kicking me across the room. One of the tables knocked over and the vase sitting on top shattered and cut my arms and sides. I yelped in pain as I got cut.

"I'm sorry," I said as he kicked me in my ribs.

"Stay in your club, but you will be doing twice the work around here because of it! Your a disgrace, you're worthless!" He said as he kicked me one last time. I groaned in pain as he walked away. "Sakura! Come get this worthless piece of trash!" He yelled up the stairs then stalked away into his office. I heard the pounding of foot steps and then a gasp. I knew it was Sakura.

"Master, are you okay?" she asked as she helped me up to my bedroom.

"Yeah, it's not the first time this has happened," I said trying to reassure her. She only shook her head and took me to the bathroom in my room. She turned on the water and helped me out of my shirt.

"I can do the rest, Sakura, thank you," I said. She looked worried, but she left the bathroom. I finished taking off my clothes, then stepped into the shower. I felt the water hit my back and relax my muscles. My wounds started stinging. I looked at my side and saw a nasty bruise start to form. I sighed and finished washing myself. I took a towel and wrapped it around me. I walked into my room and found Sakura with medical supplies.

"Let me put on some clothes first, can you step out for a second?" she nodded and left my room. I walked to my dresser and pulled out a pair of boxers and some pajama pants. I put the articles of clothing on and told Sakura to come back in. She started to clean up my wounds. When she finally finished wrapping the bandages around me, she sighed.

"I wish your father didn't do this to you," she said.

"I know, but I can't help but feel that I deserve this, I feel like he's right," I said my voice breaking a little, but I refused to cry.

"No, what ever your father does to you, you don't deserve it. The way he beats you, you don't deserve it, you're the nicest person that I could imagine, you care about other people safety more than your own, I can't imagine what you did to deserve this," she said crying a little.

"Sakura, don't cry, I'm sorry," I said. "I'm also sorry you have to fix me up like this all the time."

"Don't be sorry, I love helping you, so if you ever need anything, I'll do my best to help!" she exclaimed officially brightening the mood.

"Thank you, Sakura, that means a lot," I told her.

"Your welcome, but it's time for you to get some rest you have to wake up early to go to school. I nodded and she left the room. I wish what she said felt true to me. I still feel worthless, like a piece of trash that has to be thrown out. I sighed and closed my eyes, but I didn't sleep, I couldn't.

Haruhi's POV.

I was sitting with my dad, and thinking about Akira. His smile seems so forced. I sighed and my dad looked at me.

"What's wrong, Haruhi?" he asked me.

"it's just about someone I met today, He seems really nice, but when he smiles it seems forced and it doesn't reach his eyes. Truth is, I'm kinda worried about him." I told him.

"Give him time, I'm sure it'll all work out in the end," he said.

"Yeah... maybe, thanks dad," I said giving him a soft smile. Maybe... 


Sorry this part is Short I'll try to make the Next one longer. Thanks for reading this Fan fiction this is my first one so I'm not sure how well I'm doing. Thanks again for reading! ^-^

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