Chapter 23: Birthday Special part one

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It was a beautiful Saturday morning, well it was until the twins ruined it by waking me up.

"Akira!" The yelled in unison. I grumbled and sat up.

"What, I'm tired," I responded grumpily.

"Happy Birthday!" They exclaimed. I blinked in surprise. 'I must've forgot, with what's been happening lately.'

"T-thanks, I guess," I mumbled falling back down on the bed.

"Aki-chan! Wake up! I brought cake!" I heard and excited Hani. I sighed and looked over at them.

"No, I'm tired, my birthday can wait until tomorrow," I groaned. I heard a dramatic gasp.

"My son doesn't want to celebrate his birthday, on his birthday!" Tamaki cried clinging to Kyoya. I glared at him. I already had a headache from staying up to late on the internet reading. My phone went off by my pillow. I groaned and rolled over to look at it. Madilyn was calling. I took my phone off the charger and answered the call.

"Hey Madi, what's up?" I asked.

"Happy Birthday Akira!" She exclaimed so loud I had to hold the phone away from my ear.

"Thanks, so what's up?" I asked again.

"I came early, so can you and your dd come pick me up?" She asked. I sighed.

"Yeah, I'll be there with some... friends," I answered.

"Yay, okay see you in a few," she said ending the call. I sighed and threw my legs over the bed and walked into my closet to change. I put on a pair of black jeans and a white T-shirt with a leather jacket.

"Let's go," I said leading everyone down the stairs and out the door.

"Where are we going?" Hikaru asked.

"I have to pick up a friend from the airport," I answered.

"Can we go out to celebrate after we pick her up?" Kaoru asked. I sighed and nodded. It took about five minutes to reach the airport. As soon as I stepped out I was knocked down by a body. I groaned in pain and pushed said body off.

"Madi, come on, that hurt," I complained.

"Eh, Akira, you look different," she said looking at me closely. I pushed her face away and the twins helped me up.

"Well we haven't talked in person in what? Three years?" I responded. She nodded, agreeing with my assumption.

"C'mon Aki-chan, I still have the cake!" Hani yelled from the limo. I sighed as I saw Madi look at in in awe.

"Woah, I didn't know you had a limo!" She exclaimed. I sighed. I pulled on the twins sleeves and motioned Madi to follow. I got in after Hikaru and ended up in between him and his brother.

"Alright, everyone, this is Madilyn Rose Johnson, she's a friend from America, Madi, this is Hani-senpai, Mori-senpai, Tamaki, Kyoya, Hikaru, Kaoru and Haruhi," I said pointing to each person. Madi nodded to each of them smiling.

"Hey Akira, what do you want to do today?" Hikaru asked.

"Yeah it's your birthday, you should decide," Kaoru agreed. I sighed.

"I heard there's a festival tonight," Haruhi said smiling at me. 'A fair would be nice, but I haven't been to one since Kat.' I sighed. Everyone looked excited to go to said festival.

"Okay, we can go to the festival," I mumbled. Everyone cheered. I didn't want to ruin everyone's fun by not going, so I'll try to get through this. I looked at everyone smiling and laughing with each other, yeah I definitely didn't want to ruin this for them.

"Hey, Aki-chan, can we eat the cake yet?" Hani asked. I nodded and he got excited. I will forever be confused with his love of cake. "What kind do you want Aki-chan?" He asked. I looked at all the options and ended up choosing strawberry.

"Hey, should we stop and get yukatas?" Kaoru asked. Hikaru nodded.

"Our mother came out with a new line of yukatas, we can use those," he said. I didn't want to wear one, but they would force me into one anyway so why bother resisting besides everyone looked excited. I nodded along with them, and so, we stopped at the twins place first. The three of us climbed out to grab the yukatas, changed, and brought the others out to the club and Madi.

"Here, this one's yours Madi," I said handing her a white one with cherry blossom designs on it. She smiled and thanked me. "So, when's the festival anyway?" I asked.

"I think around eight, why?" Haruhi answered. I sighed.

"So we changed for no reason, so now I have to go throughout the day like this," I said bluntly. I looked over at the twins a little pleased that I wasn't the only one who changed. The twins shrugged and leaned back in their seats. I looked around the car to see Hani eating the rest of the cake, mori watching over him, Kyoya was talking with Madi, Tamaki was bothering Haruhi, and the wins were looking towards me. They turned away when I looked at them. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"So what do we do now?" Tamaki asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well we could just hang out here until it's time to go to the festival," Hikaru said. Nobody seemed to mind the proposition so we climbed back out of the limo and entered the twin's mansion.


Since it was my birthday last Tuesday I decided to make a birthday chapter!

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