Chapter 7: The Job of a High School Host part 2

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Don't start music until I say ^-^


"Aki-chan? What are you doing walking home?" Hani asked.

"Oh, I wanted to walk home today, so what do you want?" I replied.

"If you started walking home when you left the school you should've been home about 30 minutes ago, why are you still here?" Mori asked. Thats the biggest sentence he has ever said to me I thought.

"I wanted to hang out at the park for a little bit" I said, walking closer to their limo.

"Aki-chan... have you been crying?" Hani asked. I stiffened visably.

"No, not really, why?" I asked.

"It looked like you were crying, are you okay?" Hani asked.

"I wasn't crying and I'm perfectly okay, I have to go home before father gets mad," I said as I started walking.

"Hey! Aki-chan, Takashi and I can give you a ride, okay!" Hani said excitedly. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Okay lets go before it gets any later," I said climbing in. I gave the directions to the driver and we were off.

"Hey Aki-chan, do you like cake?" Hani asked.

"Not really, but it's not that bad, I guess," I replied.

"Hey, Takashi, Aki-chan is nice, don't you think?" Hani asked Mori.

"Hm," he replied. we soon arrived at my mansion and my father was waiting for me outside. I mentally prepared myself for a very bad beating.

"Thanks for the ride, Hani-senpai, Mori-senpai, I hope I see you tomorrow," I said as I got out of the car. Mori looked at me weirdly and Hani waved me good-bye. Their limo pulled away. My father motioned me inside and I started preparing again. this is going to be hell. My father is a cruel man. He didn't just use his fists and insult me this time. He cut me, burned me, whipped me. This was far worse than any other time. Something must have happened during one of his business deals for him to go all out like this I thought as I received another whip. Another 30 minutes passed. An hour... that's the longest he has ever gone. An hour of continuous torture and each hit hurt worse than the last. I saw Sakura crying next to me. I managed to get out a few words.

"I'm sorry Sakura... you have to clean me up again," I said. Then everything went blank.

~Time Skip~

I ended up missing school that entire week. Sakura kept the host club at bay, but I'm well enough to at least attend the party tonight. I got out of my bed for the first time this week. That means I am really gross right now. Sakura did clean my wounds, but she couldn't really do any more than that. I got into the shower after turning it on. The shower was warm, but it still stung a little. I had washed up and put on my clothes, which was just a plain black tux. I didn't want to be as fancy as the host club. I did however wear a gary shirt with my tux. Grey was my rose color and it was required. I sighed.

"Sebastian!" I called.

"Yes Master?" He asked.

"Tell Takuma to bring the limo around, I need to get to the school as fast as I can for the party tonight." I replied.

"Right away, Master," he said. I walked down the stairs and went to the front door. I put on my shoes and waited for Takuma. When he got there I got in. The Host club will be surprised I Thought as I got in.

~Time Skip~

I stepped out of my limo and started walking into the school. I walked to the Host club and when I opened the door I was attacked in hugs. I kept in my pain filled scream.

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