Chapter 8: The Physical Exams! Part 1

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Start music when I say! ^-^

"Welcome Ladies," we said as the girls opened the door. The host club was having a flower viewing reception outside, with all of the cherry blossoms. The twins, Tamaki and Kyoya were wearing butler outfits, while Hani, Mori, Haruhi, and I were wearing kimonos. I was sitting with Hani, Mori, Haruhi, and two of Hani's guests. Tamaki was asking his guest which tea cup she wanted her tea in. The twins were talking about where they got there teacups, well at least until Kaoru burnt his finger and Hikaru started the brotherly love act. Kyoya started selling picture books to the twin's guests Haruhi, Mori and I were watching Hani make tea. I wonder what he'll do when he finds out he overdid it. Right as I thought that Mori said it.

"Mitsukuni, you over did it," he stated. Hani stopped and looked at what he was making. He started to tear up.

"Hani, I'll take it, it looks so yummy!" one of the guest exclaimed.

"It's just the right amount for both of us anymore would've been to much, how did you know, you never cease to amaze me!" the other guest said.

"Really?" Hani asked brightening up. Haruhi sighed. I patted her head. We walked to a place without any guests and started to relax, well she did, I don't relax, anyway Tamaki suddenly appeared behind us.

"Haruhi, how are you doing, are you having a good time?" Tamaki asked. Wow thanks for acknowledging my existence I thought.


"The flower reviewing reception is going over quite well, but even so it's even more daunting to spend your time being admired rather than doing the admiring." Haruhi sweat dropped.

"Wow senpai, you're blooming in more ways than one," she stated. I didn't want to hear Tamaki's narcissistic rant, so I zoned out till the twins came over and put their arms around Haruhi.

"So Haruhi, have you decided your elective courses for this term?" the twins asked in sync, ignoring me.

"How about conversational French?" Kaoru asked.

"I don't know..." Haruhi replied.

"The three of us should take it together, it makes perfect sense," Hikaru said.

"We are in the same class," The twins said together.

"Do you plan on not acknowledging me at all?" I asked. The twins looked at me as did Tamaki.

"I'm sorry my precious son, Daddy will never ignore you again!" Tamaki exclaimed.

"Sorry Akira, you're just so quiet, we didn't notice you," the twins replied.

"First of all, I don't care that you ignored me, I just wanted to be in the same class as Haruhi and you guys, I knew I would be lonely at some point, but not this soon," I said bringing tears to my eyes. All the girls blushed and were on the brink of tears.

"Don't worry Akira, we'll never leave you like the Twins and Haruhi did," The cried out and hugged me. I smirked at the twins and Tamaki.

"Thank you so much, but you should go with the other hosts, I'm used to being ignored and forgotten," I said letting a few fake tears fall. The girls started crying and hugging me telling me I won't ever have to be lonely again.

"But, I'm alone every night and I don't get to see any of you all day, I'll always be lonely, but I will make it my soul purpose to make sure you princesses are never alone, so you should go with the other hosts they will make you feel welcomed," I said. By now every single girl was surrounding me.

"No we want to request you!" they all said in unision.

"Thank you so much," I said, giving the a non genuine smile. Soon enough the girls dispersed. "That is how to be the lonely type gentlemen, oh and Tamaki, you're not my dad," I said looking at them. Tamaki went to the corner and started sulking. I sighed and went to stand by the twins.

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