Chapter 15: Death Never Leads to Happiness part 2

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"What do you mean, she wouldn't do that!" I yelled into the phone. "She would never take her own life, ever, she was to caring to... she was to happy to do that!"

"Mr. Nanami, I'm sorry, there's a letter addressed to you, Tell me where to deliver it and It will be there for you to read, the facts are there, she committed suicide," he said. I shook my head.

"Just deliver it to Ouran Academy, the school will make sure I get it," I replied shutting the phone.

"Akira, are you okay, what happened?" Haruhi asked. I ignored her question.

"I'm going home Haruhi, see you all tomorrow," I said walking out the door. That's when the tears started to fall. "Sakura..." I whispered to myself walking back to my father's house. I had to go home, I couldn't let Haruhi and Ranka see me like this. When I got home I snuck upstairs to my room. I felt numb all over. I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling, wondering why everything good in my life eventually leaves me alone in a pit of despair. The tears wouldn't stop. I hated feeling numb.

~Time Skip~

That's how I was for an entire week, yes I still went to school, acted like everything was fine, like that phone call had never happened. I talked to Haruhi about me moving back in with my father. Ranka was reluctant to let me go since I told him about the three years of abuse, but other than that I'm officially living with my father again of course the daily beating are there and instead of Sakura helping me it was Sebastian. He was gentle enough, but he wasn't Sakura which made me hurt even more then the newly made cuts being disinfected. Sakura... she was like my second mother, no she was my second mother. It made me even more numb every time I remind myself she can't come back. I eventually didn't feel anything anymore, That's where I'm at right now. An empty shell not having the ability to feel, just going about my day doing things I would usually do, but not getting anything out of it. I paid even less attention in class than I normally do and it was now Host Club time.

"Hey Akira, how are you?" one of my guests asked.

"I'm okay, how are you?" I asked her. The same old questions everyday.

"Oh we're good, we heard what happened to your maid... we're sorry that it happened," another one said. I only nodded.

"Well at least you have all of the host club!" the third one said trying to lighten the mood.

"That makes me very happy, but I can't help, but to feel alone," I said to them. Hosting was pretty much the same that day, Talk to the Ladies and avoid talking to people afterwards. It has been that way since the phone call. Today was a little different though. The host club managed to tie me up and interrogate me after the ladies had left. I sighed in irritation.

"Akira, we demand that you tell us what's up you've been distant lately even with the ladies and that is unacceptable!" Tamaki exclaimed in his dramatic way. I only shrugged.

"Aki-chan, please talk to us..." Hani said squeezing Usa-chan. I didn't respond.

"Akira, please, at least talk to me, I've really missed you," Haruhi said looking at me with worry in her eyes. I looked away knowing I would crack under her gaze.

"What happened in that phone call," Hikaru started.

"To make you so distant from us?" Kaoru finished. I shrugged again. the only thing Mori did was grunt. I got untied when they realized I wasn't going to crack. Kyoya hasn't said anything yet, but I walked out anyway and went home to feel the pain from my father. It was the only thing I could feel anymore. After the pain was over the numbness was back. I went up to my room with the help of Sebastian.

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