2. Mind games

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Rafe removes the helmet from his head and rests it on his new shiny motorcycle, satisfied with his buy. It was park amidst the the uprooted trees, broken electrical wires, and dust that accumulated on every possible outdoor structure. Despite the wreck around him, he admires the beauty until his peace is interrupted by the sound of a girl that walks past him, causing a headache to emerge.

"Why weren't you at y/n's 'welcome home' party?" Sarah questions curiously.

"Why the fuck would I be there?" Rafe spits. 

Yes he knew that you were back and that they were holding a party for you, but Rafe was too occupied with a certain something.

Something a little bit too addicting.

"Whatever" Sarah says. "It's a shame you didn't get to see how much she has changed. She's like, seriously grown now".

Rafe laughs at her statement, turning around to see Sarah staring at the new bike in disgust.

"I don't give a shit about one of your stupid friends Sarah. Leave" he demands, making the blonde rolls her eyes and walk into the house.

"Fucking tramp..." he whispers before turning his attention to the two boys approaching.

"Yo man. Nice ride" Topper says, his hands touching the warm metal of the red vehicle.

"How'd you get your father to get you this man?" Kelce questions.

"I didn't" Rafe admits. "Used the money he gave me to get the backup generators and bought this instead".

"Shittt. Wait till Ward finds out" Topper laughs.

"I'll figure it out. I always do" Rafe growls, irritated by the boys who were laughing at his situation.

"Whatever man. Did you see that y/n's back? Y'know, the one who was freaking obsessed with you 2 years ago?" Topper questions.

Rafe rolls his eyes in annoyance but then smiles at the thought of the past interactions with the girl. "Yeah, she was an annoying little bitch ya know? Wouldn't leave me alone. Even tried to kiss me".

"Yeah well she's back. Saw her and my god, I didn't recognize her." Kelce exaggerates. 

This conversation was going a bit too much like the one earlier and Rafe wasn't here to entertain it.

"Oh yeah? Maybe you should get on her then Kelce. Make sure you lose your virginity along the way". 

Topper bursts into laughter at Rafe's remarks while Kelce stares with obvious annoyance.

"That's not funny guys. I'm not a virgin" Kelce claims, crossing his arms in defiance.

"Whatever man" Topper chuckles. "I'm here to pick up Sarah. See you guys at the kegger" he adds before heading inside.

 "Yeah I gotta go too Rafe. Agatha's a bitch and I don't wanna have this virginity conversation again. Later" Kelce says, walking away and leaving Rafe alone with his thoughts.

"Y/n huh?" Rafe smirks.

"We'll see..."

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