3. She's back pt.2

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I wake up to the bright sun filling up my room and forcing me awake. Sitting up, I rub my eyes and try to adjust to my surroundings. I smile at the room that I wake up in. 

My room.

It has been left untouched. Everything was in the same place I had remembered it 2 years ago. The feeling of being 16 again brings a smile to my face until I realize that I am extremely dirty and haven't showered since I left Cali.

I immediately walk towards the en suite, taking off my clothes and putting it into the hamper before stepping into the shower and turning the water on. I wait for the water to heat up until it was the perfect temperature. 

Extra hot.

Washing my hair has never felt better.

After I spent a good 30 minutes singing in the shower, I wrap a towel around my soaking body as well as one around my hair to stop the excessive dripping on my back. I make my way out the bathroom and towards my luggage that was placed next to the door.

Unzipping the suitcase, I choose a pair of denim shorts and a plain black baby tee to wear for the day. Before the kegger, I wanted to spend the day with my parents, knowing how much they wanted to hear about my time studying in Cali.

Removing the towel from my head and letting my hair dry in the humid air, I walk downstairs towards the smell of freshly brewed coffee. I see my dad, standing at the counter and scrolling through his phone. Once he notices my presence, he smiles and makes his way towards me with his arms wide open. 

I melt into his embrace. I've always been a daddy's girl but will never admit it.

"Where's mum?" I question, but before he could answer, I feel another pair of hands hugging me from behind. 

"I'm right here baby" she says.

I spent the day baking cookies with mum and helped dad clean up the house up after hurricane Agatha hit the Outerbanks at around 12. 

Apparently I had fallen asleep before the storm began and didn't wake up until after. 

Unfortunately, most of our furniture was blown away and a tree near our house was leaning to one side more than it usually did. My dad worked on collecting all the furniture that was close by while I sprayed the deck down since it was covered in dirt.

It was nice to spend time with them. 

I knew there were plenty of opportunities for me to hang out with my friends but I had to make sure I didn't leave my parents alone too much.

Once everything was somewhat in order, I make my way back to my room since Sarah would be picking me up to head to the kegger in an hours time. 

I was surprised the party wasn't cancelled after all the damage the island was hit with but I guess everyone thought of it as a place to relax since we have all been working hard to build back what was lost.

I walk towards the open suitcase and rummage through the endless pairs of bikinis I had packed. 

The beach is my favorite place of all time so I've collected a lot of bikinis over the years. 

I settle on a white triangle bikini top and matching string bottoms, covering up with a floral pink skirt that cuts dangerously high up my thigh. One bend and my ass would show but who cares, it was summer break.

Walking towards the vanity, I sit in the seat and put down my makeup bag. I apply a bit of concealer, blush, and finally mascara. I was satisfied with my minimal look since I would probably ruin it if I decide to swim in the Outer banks waters that were SCREAMING my name.

I then text Sarah to see where she's at in which she replied with "15 minutes babe". I walk towards my bed, sitting on the edge of it and take a minute to bathe in the sun that was setting soon.

I didn't notice how long I had closed my eyes for until a call from Sarah wakes me up. I hurriedly answer the call and tell her "I'm on my way" as I put on a pair of slides. I make my way downstairs and wave my parents goodbye and they remind me to stay safe. I promise to be back by 11 and if anything changed, I would text them. They nod and I leave the house. 

Seeing Sarah in her jeep, I sprint towards the car and get into the passenger seat.

She takes a minute to look at me up and down. "Girl, I am so jealous of this glow up".

I laugh at her hyping me up, and we talk about the most randomest things during the drive to the cut. 

Sarah has been my bestfriend since the first grade and has been with me through thick and thin. I owe that girl my life. She was the best friend that people would think we were sisters. I love her to death.

She tells me that she has recently been hooking up with Topper and I wish their relationship the best of luck. 

Not that they needed any of course.

Sarah parks the car near the boneyard and we walk towards the loud music and crowds of people from both sides of the island. She leaves to get a few drinks for us to enjoy and I look around, searching for a few familiar faces.

As I set my eyes on a certain group, my face lights up. 

I sprint towards them and they see me as well. They meet me halfway and we collided into a strong hug. 

"I'm so glad to see you guys".

"We're glad to see you too y/n. Our favorite little kook" John B says, wrapping his strong arms around me.

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