27. Home alone... or not

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I woke to the sound of my alarm. It was 9 in the morning and i groan, rolling around my bed stubbornly before getting up and taking a shower.

I get dressed into something casual and grab my phone before leaving the house and getting into my car. I make my way out of figure eight and into the cut, driving towards John B's house.

I park out front, locking the car and opening the front door. The pogues weren't inside so i head out to the back.

That's when i notice JJ, John b, and Pope on the docks, pulling out their anchor and about to leave on the boat. It wasn't the usual boat but a smaller one that seemed to only fit the two boys.

"Guys!" I shout, getting the attention of the boys who stared at my annoyed face. Did they forget that i was coming?

"Hurry up!" John b replies, waving his arm and signaling me to get on the boat. I do as he says, running over to the boys and jumping in before the boat drove away. I fall onto the hard floor of the boat and Pope helps me stand up. My eyes land on a certain blonde pogue who looked at me with concern.

I didn't forget what JJ had said to me yesterday. It hurt but i never fully got the chance to take it in as my mind was occupied my a kook who got himself into trouble. It was awkward seeing him after the call. I try to create some space in between us while John b steered the boat through the morgue.

I took quick glances at JJ who stiffened when our eyes met. This is nice...

totally what i want.

"So..." John b breaks the silence. I look over to the curly haired pogue who kept his eyes on the water. "What's the verdict?".

"I think one of them killed the other" JJ suggest, earning an eye roll from me.

"I think that they're fine. Probably pissed off though" i sigh.

"Only one way to find out" John b states as we approach the deserted boat.

I watch as we near the girls who sat at the edge of the abandoned boat. They gave eachother a glance before turning back to the boys with emotionless faces.

"You gotta admit. It was funny" John b says, a smile on his face.

"We're both gonna get you back when you least expect it" Sarah replies, arms crossed and a devious grin on her face.

"Were you in on this plan y/n?" Kie questions, brows furrowed as she ties our boat to theirs.

"She most definitely was" Pope lies. I punch his arm and he winces.

"I most definitely was not. These idiots brought me into this after they dipped you guys." I explain.

"I bet you're just as happy that Kie and i are cool now" Sarah says.

"Wait... You guys actually resolved your shit?" I question, shocked that John b's plan worked.

"I'm a genius i know" John b proudly boasts.

"So do that mean i have my girls back?" I squeal exictedly, jumping onto their boat.

"Don't get your hopes up too high...

But yes. We're officially back" Kiara smiles.

I jump happily, bringing the girls into a long awaited hug. "Finallyyyy... i want to know why the hell we split in the first place".

The two girls giggle and promise to tell me some other time.

I hung out with the group of pogues and Sarah at the chateau for a while. I helped Sarah with her jellyfish sting and i begged the girls to tell me why they were beefing for two whole years.

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