20. Beach

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I was parked in the center of the road, thinking about all the possibilities as to why Rafe would be in the cut. 

He secretly has a pogue friend.

Or even,

A pogue girlfriend.


There's no way...

As I come up with all the possible reasons, I notice Rafe walk out of the house alongside a guy who I would never expect him to be friends with let alone talk to.

At least it wasn't the girlfriend theory.

I doesn't take a genius to know that the guy was an addict or at least someone who did drugs.

To avoid any suspicion, I drive slowly away from the two, occasionally looking through my rearview mirror.

I watch as Rafe walks over to his bike and drives off in the opposite direction.

What is Rafe doing at that guy's house?

I decided that it was best if I just head home.

As I drove, my phone which was placed on the passenger seat was blowing up with messages. I tried my best to ignore it but eventually gave up and parked on a empty street and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Y/n..." a low voice cracks. 

It was JJ.

"JJ? Where are you?" I ask, concerned.

"Please pick me up..." the boy pleads.

"I'll be right there JJ. Just tell me where you are..." I ask once more.

JJ seemed to be breaking down. "I-I'm at my home... I just need somewhere to go and I-". 

I could hear his footsteps pacing around anxiously.

"It's okay JJ. I'll see you soon" I hush him, "I won't end the call. I want to make sure that you are okay".

JJ's house was close to where I was so it didn't take long for me to arrive. I park infront of the broken down and messy house. 

It may as well have been as bad as the person's house that Rafe visited.

Definitely not fit to live in that's for sure.

But who was I to judge.

"I'm out front JJ" I tell him, breaking the silence. 

He ends the call and I see him sneak out of the house from the back soon after. He get into the passenger seat and I look at his distressed figure. He was badly hurt and I knew it was because of his father. 

I couldn't help but pity him.

Nobody should have to go through this.


I drive away from the house, not staying for longer than I needed to. 

"Where do you want to go?" I ask, figuring that he would say the chateau.

It took a while for JJ to reply though. 

"I don't really care. Just away from all this shit" he sniffles.

"I'll take you to the chateau" I suggest but JJ shakes his head quickly.

"I don't want to be around the guys right now" he admits and I nod.

I think of another place that could calm him down.

"How about I take you to the beach. It always helps me when I'm having a hard time" I suggest.

JJ sat silently, not disagreeing nor agreeing with the idea.

The ride wasn't awkward but there wasn't much to say. JJ wanted space and I completely understood. When we arrived, JJ was the first to leave the car and I follow behind from a distance.

The boy sat close to the water, letting the salty ocean seep through his toes but not enough to touch anywhere else. 

I did the same.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, staring off into the sunset as I waited for JJ to regain his composure.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I offer, staring at his face which was beaten and bleeding.

JJ stared at the blue waters. "There's nothing to say. I got arrested and have to pay for the damages".

"How much? I'm sure I could help" I was quick to offer.

"Thanks y/n but 30 grand is too much to ask for" He says. 

I jump at the price. 

Even that was too much money for me. 

How much did that damn boat cost?

"Don't worry" he reassures. "I'll figure it out".

I give him a look of pity and turn my attention to the waves. 

I really need to lighten the mood.

Distract him.

"Tell me about the revenge plan". I change the subject.

He chuckles. "What?".

"The plan? To sink Topper's boat?" I continue. "Oh my god you didn't have a plan did you?".

JJ looks at me grinning. 

He seemed to feel less upset. "Well it was my idea...".

I roll my eyes. "Of course it was you. When is it never" 

I laugh and he does the same.

"Ok put Pope agreed. And he was the one who actually sunk the boat." JJ defends.

"You guys seriously have no chill. But at the same time, I get why you did it. I wish I could be as free as you guys..." I admit.

Sometimes I wondered what it's like...

To live on the cut.

Do whatever you want.


"Why don't you? Let go and just... get out of that bubble wrap" JJ advises.

I laugh at his metaphor. "Because... I don't know. I'm too scared to I guess..,".

"It's best to start by... doing something spontaneous" he suggests.

"Oh yeah? like what" I urge. 

JJ thinks about it for a while as he bites his lips. "Well, it could be anything".

I notice how he was leaning slightly closer and his blonde hair was blowing perfectly in the wind.

The idea of JJ seemed so spontaneous. 

I look as lips and back to him, making him nervous. 

"Anything?" I whisper, feeling the rush of adrenaline cursing through my veins.

"Anything" JJ says, his husky voice sending me into overdrive. 

We close the gap between us and our lips collide in a slow and soft kiss. JJ moves his hand to the back of my neck and I place mine on his chest, moving to sit on his lap. The pogue helps me straddle him and I smile into the kiss. 

This was new to me. 

Someone so crazy turning out to be gentle...

I liked it...

But even when I had the sweetest person ever right in front of me. 

Holding me.

Kissing me.

Something was telling me that it wasn't perfect.

It was as if I was wishing it would be with a certain kook who played with my heart.

I break the kiss to catch my breath, leaning my forehead against JJ's as we breathed heavily. The corners of his lips curved up into a grin, causing mine to do the same. JJ gave me one last peck before we got up and walked back to the car. 

His fingers interlock with mine as he takes my keys and drives us to the chateau.

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