26. After

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Waking up in Rafe's bed brought a smile to my face. It was now dark outside and i realised that i've slept through the entire day.

Sitting up, i rub my eyes and look around in disappointment. Rafe wasn't beside me anymore...

I shrug it off, moving towards the edge of the bed and stand up. I stumble abit because of how sore i was and my hand goes to my stomach.

My other hand traces the walls as i walk towards the clothes spread all over the floor. I put my underwear, shorts, and shirt back on before leaving the comforting room.

I walk over to Sarah's room, opening the door but there was no one there. I sigh, moving towards the bed where my phone sat. I turn it on and go through my contacts to find the blonde. I immediately call her.

Nothing. Where was she? I check the time and it was 7pm.

I decide to call John B since he asked her meet with him...

The phone picks up. "Hello?" The brunette says over the phone.

"John B" i say.

"Y/n?" He questions

"Where's Sarah?" I ask urgently.

There was no reply.

"John B! Where is she" i repeat.

"She's okay. Just... on a trip" he blurts out.

"I swear to god just tell me before i go over to the chateau and kick your ass-".

"Okayokayokay... she's trapped on a boat with Kie. We thought it was best if they sort out their trip" he finally says.

"Jesus christ. I wouldn't be suprised if they kill eachother..." i admit.

"I'm sure they'll be fine. You can come on the boat tomorrow morning and pick them up with us if you want" he offers.

"Alright..." i agree. "Nice talk. See you later John B".

"Bye" he hangs up.

I decided it was time for me to go home. I pack my bags and bring them downstairs as i exit the Cameron's house.

As i was about to leave, i stop abruptedly, hiding behind a bush when i notice two figures infront of me. It was Rafe and Ward.

Rafe takes off his helmet and gets off his bike. He trails behind his father who just got out of his car.

"I'll pay you back" Rafe says but Ward didn't seem to believe it.

"No you won't...

You know why you won't?

Because you're a liar,

And you're a theif,

And you cant be trusted.

And i can't have you in my house son." Ward states, walking to the front door.

"Where do you want me to go?" Rafe questions, distressed and upset. "Dad!" He yells but Ward doesn't stop.

She that Ward was nearing where i was, i stand up abrupted, causing the man to stop infront of me, slightly startled.

"Y/n?" Ward questions, squinting to see my face in the darkness of the night.

"Mr. Cameron!" I shout, a smile plastered on my face. My eyes travel behind the man where i watch Rafe mount onto his bike and drive away.

"What are you doing here?" He questions.

"O-oh... i've been waiting for Sarah to come back but she never did... so i'm going home now" i explain.

"You're walking home? At this time?" He asks and i nod my head. "Your parents would kill me if i didn't offer to take you home. It's dangerous at this time..".

I shake my head. "It's okay Mr. Cameron... i can walk".

"Nonsense. Get in the car." He demands, backing away and heading to the car. I follow closely behind and sit in the passenger seat.

Ward reverses out of the residence and drives in the direction of my home. We sat in silence for most ovlf the time until i decided to make some small talk.

"How are you Mr. Cameron?" I ask.

Ward turns his head to look at me, giving me a small smile. "I've had better days" he sighs. "What about you? How has your holiday been?".

"It's amazing. I've missed this place so much" i let out.

"That's good to hear... listen" he begins. "If you... heard anything between Rafe and i...".

"It's okay... my parents get angry at me sometimes. I get it" i reassure, dismissing the conversation.

Ward nods, turning his gaze back onto the road. It wasn't long until we arrived at my home and i walk towards the front door, waving Ward goodbye before entering the house and locking the door.

The atmosphere was silent and the lights were turned off. As i was through the hallway, i couldn't help but feel goosebumps rise at the eeriness.

I turn on the lights to the living room, feeling slightly at ease by the brightness. My eyebrows furrow when i begin to check that house and couldn't find my parents at all...

Once i was in my room, i took out my phone and dialed my dad. The phone ringed for awhile before he picked up.

"Y/n. Are you home?" My dad answers.

"Yeah... where are you?" I question.

"Your mother and i are in Charleston. We won't be back until another 2 days" he replies.

"Wait. Why are you in Charleston?" I ask confused.

"Your mother wanted to get a necklace from this store. They didn't have it in store when we came this morning but they said they would in 2 days" he sighs.

I chuckle. My mum always had a thing for buying necklaces. She bought the most beautiful and exclusive ones she could find. "Alright. I'll be at home waiting for you guys to come back".

"Don't throw a party or something..." he warns, earning a light giggle.

"Don't worry. I'll be on my best behaviour" i reassure.

"Love you" my dad says.

"Love you too" i reply, hanging up the phone and jumping into my bed.

As i suffocate myself in my sheets, i couldn't help but think about what happened earlier in the day. It felt like a dream.

Being beside Rafe was so...


I wondered why he was kicked out. Seeing as how he got his bike back, i assumed that his dad payed the Barry guy the money he owed.

But Ward calling Rafe a thief? Did he try to steal the money and got caught? I felt bad for the kook even when i wasn't supposed to.

I hug my pillow, imagining the kook in my arms as my eyes felt heavy and i drifted into a deep sleep.

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