23. Confessions

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We sat it silence for most of the ride. 

I played with my dress while Rafe had his eyes on the road, occasionally checking to see if I was okay.

I decided to break the silence.

"...Rafe" I call out 

There was no answer.

Did he not hear me?

I look up to see the kook. His eyes were still on the road.

"Rafe?" I repeat.

He tenses when I call his name and my brows furrow. 

He is ignoring me.


"What?" He finally answers, glancing at me for a second.

"I'm cold." I tell the kook, visibly trembling. 

It was raining heavily outside, as if a storm would break out at any given moment.

He sighs, turning on the heater. 

When the hot air blew out from the vents and brushed against my skin, I felt my tense body relax as I melt into the seat.

"Thanks.." I mutter, earning a nod from the kook.

We sat in silence. 



I couldn't help but feel the need to talk.

"Did you mean it?" I question abruptly, staring into his eyes.

Rafe's brows furrow.

"Did you.." I hiccup. "Did you regret it? Kissing me?".

I notice his grip on the steering wheel tighten at my words.

"Y/n we're not having this conversation right now. You're drunk" he demands, paying attention to the road.

I ignore him.

"It's not that hard. Just say it" I pry.


"After everything" I chuckle. "After all that you've done".

I unknowingly began to poke his arm with my finger.

"You rejected me, choked me, kissed me, told me it never happened, and then act like you care about me" I say, words slurred.

Rafe tried his best to continue driving and act like my words meant nothing to him but I could see his jaw clench.

"Am I just some toy to you?" I force out a laugh. "Someone whose feelings you can just play around with when your bored?".

"Enough y/n" He orders.

He still hasn't looked at me.

Why won't you look at me?

Do I disgust you?

My anger was building with every passing minute.

"Look at me!" I yell as my eyes fill with tears.

Rafe finally turns his attention onto me.

And when his ocean blue eyes meet mine,

It is like I get caught in a trace.

One that makes me forget why I was so angry.

Why I liked him so much.

Those eyes.

They keep pulling me in when I so desperately want a way out.

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