Chapter 38

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Chapter 38


Coach Hotches blew the whistle, signalling the end of practice. Xavier took one final kick and aimed it at the goal.

He started his way to the locker rooms when Coach Hotches called him over.

"Yeah, coach?" he breathed, running over to his coach, the balding middle aged man with a beer belly.

"You noticed those men in full black last game?" the coach asked.

"The guys Ryan guessed were spies? Yeah." Xavier crossed his arms over his chest.

"They were from the University of New York." Coach Hotches went on, "They liked how you played and they wanted to offer you a scholarship."

Xavier agape. NYU, he's been dreaming to go there. "Really? Coach, that's awesome!"

"But," the coach interrupted, "they saw your grades."

Xavier sighed. He knew his grades were the epitome of a downfall.

"They say," his coach went on, "that if you don't get at least a B by the end of the year, they won't apply you."

Pierce was hanging by the place where she'd first had a conversation with Xavier. Thinking back to how cocky he'd been then she laughed when she realised that at the time, she'd thought that was the worst of it. Her thoughts stopped when she noticed Xavier walk out of his school, fresh from the shower. Something caught her eye: Xavier looked down. Yes, Xavier always had a good poker face on, but it was never like this. She walked over until she was walking beside him.

"You okay?" she asked.

"NYU's offering me a scholarship." he announced.

"Xavier, that's great!" Pierce chirped.

"Yeah, but I can't get it unless I at least a B by the end of the year." He added.

"No problem," Pierce piped, "I'll tutor you."

Xavier stopped walking and stared down at her, "Really?"

"Why not?" Pierce shrugged. "I need to catch up on my studying lately anyway, plus you can see my re-decorated room." The warning bell rang, signalling the start of fifth period. "I have to go. Talk to you later?" she gave him a kiss on the cheek and turned around to leave, but Xavier's hand wrapped around her wrist stopped her.

He pulled her back and smashed his lips onto hers, holding the back of her neck so she couldn't try and scurry off. Her hands glided along the sides of his neck and into his hair. She pulled him closer and strained upward. Xavier started off slow and searching, because he needed to keep himself in check now more than ever. Her mouth was sweet, and her velvet tongue came out to touch his, tasting, testing, tentative...meeting the silver ball and exploring the feel and texture as he did the same. Despite his desire to savor the experince, Pierce's fingers tightened painfully in his hair. Her nails scratched his scalp as she tried to get closer. Relinquishing his already limited restraint, Xavier snaked an arm around her waist and deepened the kiss. And then came the shrill noise of the actual bell, causing them both to pull apart. Xavier smirked and stared down into Pierce's endless eyes, he leaned in, his lips hovering over hers just gently, teasingly. "Now you can go." He tried to hide his amusement when he saw the look of disappointment in her eyes. Xavier stood there feeling the guilt come into him. She was so sweet and thoughtful. What did he get himself in to?


The first thing Xavier noticed, when he entered Pierce's room was the big book shelf, erected proudly on her blue wall. Her room was the usual girl's room but the bookshelf was an alien. He walked over and took a closer look.

"What's your favourite book?" he asked.

Pierce appeared beside him and sighed, "Mm... this one." she pulled out a small pocket book. It was light blue with a picture of a couple kissing at Central Park.

"Sundays At Tiffany's." Xavier read the title.

Pierce nodded. "I love this book. It's not only romantic but it has a hint of mystery in to it. By the time the book ends, it leaves you with so many questions. You can't understand it, but at the same time... you do."

"Plus it actually teaches you something." she added.

"Like what?" Xavier asked, walking on, looking at more books.

"Believe in yourself; believe in love; nothing's impossible; believe in the future; be who you want to be." Pierce stated.

Xavier looked at the books one by one and "A Walk to Remember" caught his eye he took it out and asked "Cried at this?"

Pierce shook her head, "At the movie yes, but I never cry at books. Except, maybe at Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."

Xavier chuckled, "Why, because it was the end?"

She laughed, "Well yes, that's one reason, but no. I cried at the part where Harry realised that he has to die to defeat Voldemort." She paused to bite her lips, "I mean, not a lot of heroes realise that they have to die to save the people they love but he did. And he, he greeted it like an old friend."

Xavier fell in full silence. He didn't know why but those words struck him. This girl doesn't just read books; she escapes in them and feels it's every word. He looked in to her eyes. They were sincere and free. He could just stare at those orbs all day.

"So, I guess you're not a Twihead?" he joked.

Pierce laughed and nodded. "The Golden Trio can beat the sparkling Vampire any day."

Xavier chuckled and continued on starring at her eyes. They were gorgeous. He took his time admiring his soon to be wife's beauty, visible even in the shadows: the arch of her cheekbones, the pout of her mouth, her large, expressive eyes. He lifted her chin and brought their lips together. It was the kiss of an ardent lover, communicating with his mouth that he desired her. Xavier pressed his tall body against her petite one, his fingers tangling in her soft brown her.

Until Pierce finally said "Come on, let's get to work, if you want the scholarship."

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