Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Pierce walked through the hallways, oblivious of what happened elsewhere. The words Xavier pronounced earlier were constantly running through her head, on repeat, forced against her will.

"Pierce. Earth to Pierce."
Danielle waved her hand in front of the snow white face.

"Huh? What?"
Pierce shook her head, the words leaving calmly.

"Weren't you listening? Who are you taking to the ball?" Danielle asked her.

"Oh... um. Dalton. Whatever that guy's name is." Pierce rolled her eyes playing it cool.

"You asked him? And he agreed?" Danielle was blank shocked. Never had Xavier Dalton agreed to go out with a girl. At least, not a girl from St-Catherine's. He was always out for new bait. Whoring bait. A hump and dump as they would name it. How the hell did she get him as her date?

"What about you?" Pierce asked, not really paying attention.

"Well... Joseph I guess." Danielle looked shyly down the white dusty floor, shifting her feet.

"That's cool. Anyways, I'm going to head out. See ya later Dani."
Pierce walked away, leading herself to the classroom. She paused before entering the chaos they called a 'classroom', Pierce practiced her 'sick' face, managing to convince the professor her illness.

"Mrs. Plump?" Pierce walked to the front desk, putting her acting skills to the test.

"Yes, dear?"

"I really dont feel too good. I think Im starting a fever."
Pierce gestured over to her head, feeling the crown of it. Her face was white as snow. Oh truly, Pierce could definitely become an actress one day.

"Oh my Goodness! You're heating up. To the nurse. Now!" She handed her a hall pass and pointed her finger out the door. Pierce walked away quickly with a subtle smirk on the corner of her mouth.

As soon as she got out of the classroom, Pierce ran out the door. The chilly weather overpowered her body, making her freeze to death. She didn't have the brilliance of bringing her winter coat out. 'Whatever', she thought.

As long as she could get out of that hell of a world, everything would be fine. Heck, maybe for once, she wouldnt have to fake sick. Pierce sat on her bench, contemplating the winter weather. How the snow fell perfectly on the ground, how the trees, that were once blooming with flowers, were cold and frosty. While in her trench, she felt a jumble on her back. She turned around to find Xavier Dalton and his coat on her back.

"What do you want Dalton?"

"Whoa. I saw you here, alone, quivering to death. I decided it would be the noble thing to do as to give you my jacket." Xavier smirked

"Oh. How Prince Charming of you."
Pierce pronounced sarcastically.

"You know it baby." He replied smugly.

"Ugh. Why did you come here? I know you normally never care." Pierce asked, quizzical of his presence

"Maybe I just wanted to be here." He told her.

"With me?" She whispered.

"Maybe." He told her blankly.

"And why would that be?" She asked.

"I have no idea" Xavier sat next to her "And if you must know, I hate this feeling you're giving me."

"And what feeling may that be?" Pierce subtly smiled.

"That, baby girl, I will never reveal." And he looked in her eyes, his own burning with something that she couldn't name but it took her breath away.

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