Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


"NO FUCKING WAY!" She screamed with all her might, letting out her frustration and most of all, her hate towards the bitch.

"Come on, Princess. It won't be that bad." Xavier was laying on her bed, trying to convince her to attend the wedding. The news that her father brought her was a buzz killer and she didn't give an answer wherever or not she was going. One thing was for sure, she had no interest in seeing her daddy get manipulated by a twenty year old slut.

"I refuse to go. She's a fucking bitch!" Pierce was on the edge of her window, looking out at the night's sky. Xavier snuck into her room shortly after Pierce got the news and tried hopelessly to convince her to go. That wasn't going over so well. "I'm not going and you can't make me." She approached her boyfriend, with a stubborn look on her face.

"You're going." He smirked, with a devilish smile on his face. He was going to win this.

"No, I'm not." She dropped on her bed, next to Xavier. She sighed, hating the feeling of hate boiling inside of her. Xavier gently kissed her, showing her the marvelous bliss of a real relationship. She wasn't up to see another marriage fail. She was tired of the charade.

"Do it for your father. He loves you and even though he probably won't show it, he'll be devastated if his little girl doesn't show up when he needs her most." He whispered, their lips barely touching.

"Whoa, look who became Mr. Sensitive." She smirked, kissing his lips. The feeling of having him besides her was comforting, something that assured her that there was one piece of her life that was intact. "Fine, I'll go..." She rolled her eyes, plopping her head against the bedside. She heard a chuckle coming from Xavier and she gently punched his gut.

"Good." And with that, he kissed her softly and at his touch, it became so much more.


The next morning came quickly, and Monday morning even faster. The sun drew in, at Pierce's dismay. She woke up, with a groan and got dressed for another day in hell. Her uniform was tucked and prepared on a hanger, dangling on the door knob. She prepared herself; shower, makeup, jewelry and perfume. When all her tasks were accomplished, she descended the stairs, only to find a familiar scene. She gagged in response, heading for an apple on the granite counter.

"Hello sweetie." Jennifer smiled, a little too cheerfully for Pierce's liking.

"Hey," She muttered in reply, with a rolling of eyes. Her father's eyes darted right at her, with an intense glare. "I mean... hi Jennifer." She faked a pretty convincing smile and reluctantly kissed her father's cheek. She raced out the door, wanting to get out of the awkward morning meeting she's been used to have for the past eight months.

"Hey sexy." She heard a voice call out for her. She turned around and at her surprise, David appeared.

"Great." She mumbled under her breath, along with a couple of unwomanly words.

"You look fine." He pronounced with a somewhat gangster pitch. She rolled her eyes and continued her route, but got stopped again by his figure. "What do you want?" She asked, with a tone of annoyance in her tone.

"You, baby." His eyes glanced up and down, sampling her silhouette.

"Perv." She pushed passed him, this time with hard edge to it. He stopped her yet again, this time with his arm. "WHAT?" She shouted, completely tired of his game. What the hell did he want?!

"Don't scream at me." David warned, with a glare. She sighed and shut up, slightly scared. "What?" She softened her voice, but with the same blank stare.

"Didn't take your car?" His smirk was uncalled for.

"No, it's in repair right now. Can you let me go?" Her teeth started gritting, obviously annoyed by his unwanted presence.

"No. You see, you're a problem. Xavier's an ass with you in the picture. He's different. I'm here to solve the problem." He threatened.

Pierce nodded, oblivious of what he was stating. With her free hand, she played with her cellphone and called a number on her speed dial. With that, she kept her phone open, letting David continue with his threats.

"And I'm going to solve this once and for all. You're going down..." He smirked and she kept a brave front, praying that help would come sooner or later. David then began to look at her and this time really look at her. He could see why Xavier had fallen for this girl.

She was a pretty girl. With copper hair, her chocolate doe eyes and the sunshine smile she wears. David could see how she makes Xavier's soul glow. She had an adventurous mind, she envisioned so much that every girl looked blind in comparison to her. It wasn't hard to see that she was unable to see how much Xavier loved her.

Months ago after midnight David and Xavier had both been completely hammered. They'd drank more than they ever had before. Xavier was piss drunk and even then she was in his head. She didn't even have to try at all. He looked at her as if life is perfect and as if the world was new.

Her petite frame soon grabbed David's attention, she was extremely slim but had curves in the right places, she was pretty short compared to him so he could only imagine the height difference between Xavier and her.

David reached a hand out to stroke her face. "Maybe I could have some fun with you before you go down, eh? You've got a hot little tight body. I'd love to test it out, see what little tricks you have that keep Xavier fucking you and only you. I need a little tester myself." He was getting turned on just thinking about taking her. Pierce was frozen, unable to move.

She mentally begged for help.

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