Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Xavier and Pierce walked back to Xavier's apartment, the one he was sharing with his older brother. The estate was well kept, a surprise to Pierce.

"The maid comes in every other week." Xavier told her, admiring her beauty and smirking, because he knew what she'd be thinking.

"That explains so much." She concluded and looked around for a bit. The house was somber, but with character. Brick walls gave the house an appeal. Modern furniture, but definitely a bachelors pad, something Pierce couldn't deny.

"You want something to drink?" Xavier asked, being a good host.

"Water would be nice." Pierce smiled over at him.

Xavier thanked god for giving him another chance to see that smile and make it happen. He went up to the oh-so messy kitchen and got some water glasses.

"This is amazing." Pierce looked over at some pictures that were placed above the fireplace.

"What is?" Xavier shouted from the kitchen. He was paying attention to every little thing she'd done and do.

"These pictures." She answered him. Every single picture was a family memory. Good times with both parents and both sons.

Pierce could spot Xavier and his bright blue eyes straight away. His striking raven black hair and his cocky boyish half smirk half smile.

"Oh God, these are from ages ago." Xavier told her while he handed her, her water and smiled down at her.

God, how did he get so lucky?

"Your mother is beautiful." She told him and smiled
at him.

Xavier was knocked back by that smile, the beauty of it left him speechless. He'd known for a long damn time that Pierce was beyond beautiful and radiant but now? Now she's fucking ethereal.

Pierce noticed the similarities between Xavier and his mum, their raven hair and button nose, their eye shape too, but where Xavier's eyes were blue like the ocean and sky mixed. His mum's were a soft green. While Xavier's smile was polite, his mothers was simply beautiful because of it's simple need.

"You're a momma's boy." She pointed out.

"And what if I am...?" He challenged her, getting closer by every word.

"I find it sweet. Very, very sweet" She approached him, their lips barely touching.

"You wanna visit the master bedroom?" He smirked down, curious of her answer.

"I don't know. How many girls have you brought there?" She raised her eyebrow. She knew he was a player, but as a precaution, she wanted to know the exact number, to brace herself.

"Actually, you're the first." He smiled down, laughing at her surprised expression.

"Don't give me shit like that."

She knew it was practically impossible for Xavier bad boy man whore Dalton too never have brought a girl to his bed.

"It's not shit." He defended himself "You're the first girl I've ever brought home. I don't like crossing that line." His tone was serious and very credible, but Pierce wasn't buying it.

"So I'm the first one?" Her eyes furrowed, guarding his answer.

"The first and only baby." He smirked, leaning in.

"And you expect me to buy into that?" She questioned.

"It's the truth." He shrugged.

"Fine. I'll believe you. But one lie and you're out. In the meantime..." she smirked, leaning her lips closer to his. His hot breath was an unending torture. His eyes had a drop of excitement, his hard lips colliding with hers. Their lips were tasting each others weakness, making up for lost time. His hands were well griped on her waist, puller her closer by every touch. Her hands were roaming in his luscious hair, taking it all in. Passion and heat were in control.

"You wanna try out that bed of yours?" Pierce whispered, a sly smirk cornered her lips.

"If it's with you, I'm ready to go anywhere." He smiled down, taking her lips hostage.

"You're one kick ass cheesy guy." She pointed out, licking her lips.

"And you love it." He kissed her softly, leading her to the bedroom.

"It's more that I love you, but that's just a small detail." She smiled, a teasing smile.

"And I love you too baby, don't ever forget it." And by then, words were no longer used. Once he told her how much he loved her, he showed it to her.

Countless times.


I thought I'd give you guys a drama free cute fluffy chapter. c:

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