Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


Mayor Montgomery was kept silent for a mere minute before speaking again and repeating what he said before since Xavier was taking too long too answer. "You trying to sell me bullshit, son?" He glared, waiting for an answer

"No sir. Not at all." Xavier replied, his eyes were filled with sincerity.

"You may go. Be together. Pierce, curfew at 10."

And with that, he walked out of the room, leaving both kids confused. And himself smirking knowing he'd just surprised them both. Who was he too stand in the way of what looks like true love? He could enforce some rules, yes. But he'd never prevent his daughter from happiness.

"What the hell just happened?" Pierce asked him, her own bewildered eyes locking with his.

"An approval." He told her before walking towards her. Xavier pulled Pierce into his arms and just held her. "And you're mine from now on."

And he wished for nothing else.


Xavier kissed his girl before driving off, to an unfamiliar place in her eyes. He'd had the urge too surprise her and do something amazing just for her.

"Where are you taking me bad boy?" She smirked, hoping he would reveal the mystery location.

"I'm not telling." He smiled, trying to keep his eyes on the road, god she was beautiful.

"Please..." She was pursuing him with puppy dog eyes.

Damn those sweet, puppy dog eyes.

But he had too resist.

"No." He smirked, hoping she wouldn't beg.

Begging; he wouldn't be able to refuse.

"Pretty please..." She said softly, using her innocent act as a fawl.

Then again, she was anything but innocent.

"Patience is true virtue." He mocked her

"Oh, cut the bullshit." She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Hey! You're the only with no patience whatsoever." He seemed amused, greatly amused in fact.

"Oh shut up and drive." She told him, huffing.

"So cliché." He muttered, jokingly. She merely nodded and waited for them to arrive. She looked out the window and contemplated the beautiful scenery. She had no idea where they were headed and quite frankly, he didn't care. As long as she was with the one she loved, Xavier, she was fine.


He parked the car and opened the door for her. She stepped out, looking around and admiring the paysage.

"Where are we?" She asked him, incredulous to where they were exactly. For all she knew, they were in some deserted land in Mexico City. Then again, Mexico was a far long drive from New York city. Mexico was crossed out of the list.

"Come on, I need to show you something." He took her hand and they entered some bushy woods. Trees and trees were covering the landscape, The flora was out of this world; wild flowers, beautiful colors, everything a true nature would adore. They walked up to the summit of the hill and there she stood, breathless.

The scenery was beyond a person's imagination. The ocean blue sky was looking above the calming lake. The blue was in all awestruck. Flowers and trees; the two principle colors being blue and green. The way everything blended together was out of a person's right mind.

"This is amazing." She commented, trying to find a better word for this location.

"I thought you'd like it" He smiled at her reaction. She was right minded blown away!

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked, looking towards his direction.

"Because... you're going to laugh." He looked down, for the first time, looking shy.

"I promise I won't laugh baby. Tell me" She stood on her tip-toes and kissed his luscious lips "Please..."

How could he refuse her now?


"I can't Pierce." He looked down, shaking his head

"Please." She asked him, with a sad face.

"I'm sorry, I can't."

"Then why did you show me this place?" She asked

"I... I"

"Just forget it." She started walking away, shaking her head.

Just when she'd thought she had the bad boy's walls breaking, he'd thrown them up again. But this time they were against her, and not for her own good.

"Pierce!" He grabbed her arm, trying to make her face him.

"No Xavier! Am I just a toy to you?" She asked him. It was always up and down with him.

"Baby, why would you ever think that?"

"Because! How can I not ask that?! Whenever you want anything physical, everything's fine between us. But when it comes to something deeper, you... you seclude yourself and just keep it inside. I don't have any right to know..."

"Sweetheart, don't you ever think that." He groaned and growled.

"Well, I really don't have a choice because you're not giving me a reason to think otherwise!" She shouted, tears pouring down.

"Baby, please don't waste those tears on me."

Motherfucker he thought too himself.

"Don't baby me Xavier! For God Heaven's sake, you met my father, my family! I have no idea what's your story. Not one fucking bit of it! Don't I have the right to know?!" Her eyes were blood shot red. It pained him to see her like this.

"Of course you do baby." He opiniated.

"Then why don't you let me in?!"

"Piercelyn, I... I can't." He shook his head. Why was this so god damned tough?

"Whatever Xavier" She shook her head, tears gliding down her cheeks and pulled her arm out of his strong grip. Taking one last look at him she turned around too walk away.

And maybe, just maybe she was walking away from him for good this time.

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