Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


David rushed outside, in search of his best friend. The news he had to share with him was one of the most grandiose secrets of the year.

"Xavier! Dude! Wait up!" David finally reached Xavier, out of breath.

"Whoa. David. Chill. What's up?" Xavier asked his friend, patting his back for the air to come out.

"Yeah. Guess what?"

"You know I'm not too fond of guessing. Shoot."

Xavier demanded. If it was anything, he hated games. Any kinds, he would despise with a passion. One horrible mistake led him to his dislike.

"I just heard that Miss Montgomery doesn't have any date for the Homecoming Dance."

David whispered, as if the secret was involved with something of FBI or CIA.

"Your point?"

Xavier yawned at the news.

"Dude. If I can get Pierce to ditch the dance, Beth's paying my round of pot for the year. This is gold."

David exclaimed, oh-too happy with the thought of unlimited crack for the whole entire year.

"Again... your point of this whole charade?" Xavier questioned him, glancing at his cellphone for the time.

"The only person who actually has a significant influence on her is you. If you can seduce or whatever you do with girls and convince her to ditch, we're set for life."

David smiled, almost sure of his friends answer.

"And you expect me to get involved in this little scheme?" Xavier glared.

"Precisely." David grinned.

Xavier thought about it for a milli-second and counter replied with an exclusive offer.

"I get 70% of the shares and you've got yourself a deal, bastard."

Xavier smirked.

"Deal." David shook his hand and smirked.

Sure, Xavier hated games. But this genre of play... how could he possibly refuse?


Pierce sighed and walked up to her grey locker. How come every inch of St-Catherine's reminded her of jail? It was oh-so pitiful.

"Hey Pierce. What's up?" Beth snorted.

What a bitch.

"Nothing much. What about you?" She replied sarcastically.

"I just found myself a cavalier for the ball." She beamed.

"Oh. Who's the unlucky fellow?" Pierce smirked and took out her history book out of her locker

"Oh, you know the ambassadors son right? Joseph Adams, the Third. "

"Wow. What a pesky guy you found for yourself. You are aware he was named the 'Bad Boy' of our town."

"Oh Honey, that position is already filled." Beth smirked.

"Oh, and may I ask by who?"

"Xavier Connor Dalton."

And with those last defying words, Beth walked out, leaving Pierce confused. There was only one simple question that popped up;

What did Beth know that Pierce didn't?..


The final bell rang and all students rushed out the door, as if a fire just broke in. Pierce quietly walked out the door to the cold winter air. As she was walking down to her car, a familiar shadow was leaning against her BMW.

"What do you want Dalton? Couldn't resist me?" Pierce scoffed

"Don't flatter yourself beautiful. I heard you dont have any date for the dance. Am I right or was it just a rumour?" Xavier questioned, lighting up a cigarette.

"None of your business." Pierce glared deathly

"You know, I dont do this often, but since it's you, wanna go together?" Xavier smirked, as if it was a huge honour.

"HA! I would rather go with your druggie friend, David, than go with you. See ya." Pierce drove away, her pride still intact.

"Ouch." Xavier shook his head chuckling and walked away, sure to get that girl.

One way or another.

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