Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

"What do you want?" Pierce asked, her tears, all of a sudden coming back when seeing him in the flesh, freshly pasted on her angelic face.

"I'm sorry."

She watched him in shock, anguish filling hers eyes. Disbelief filling her heart. He was sorry? How would that fix it? How would it justify him hiding this? How does a simple five letter word make everyone think after saying that, everything will be fine?
Does he even know what he's sorry for? What he's done wrong? How bad he's destroyed her and her heart?

"Sorry is not going to cut it." She shook her head. Not again. She didn't think that she'd be able to handle it this time.

"Pierce, you don't deserve getting into all that, that's why I never said a word. I want to protect you from it all. I love you, but for God's sakes, I'm new at this. Love... I've never known what love was. Never had it when I grew up... but then I met you and God, you make my head twirl. My heart keeps pounding whenever I'm with you; my stomach gets filled with this crazy feeling of desire."

He looked down, and then again at Pierce. He couldn't lose her, this girl was his end and his beginning. Losing her made him feel like the sun hadn't ever risen. To imagine her with another guy raised a fierce ugly jealousy inside of him, something he never knew he had, something that had been dormant until he met her, just like his capability to love. He'd fight for her, because she was all that he found worth fighting for her. Because for him she was and is his all.

"I love you, and hell, I can't lose you. You're mine and I'll be damned if I give anyone else a chance to say that."

Pierce looked at Xavier, and this time she really looked at him. From the way his jaw was locked she could tell he didn't want to lose her. That he meant every word he said. Especially from the passion and determination flashing in eyes that seemed to be darker than ever.

"You're not going to." She shook her head, with a coy small smile.

"You swear?" He approached her, a little smirk in hand.

What was a bad boy without his smirk?

"I swear. And unlike you, I keep all my promises." She smirked, teasing him along the way.

"This one, please don't break it."

He'd be broken if she left.

"I love you baby."

And with that he pushed her into the wall gently, putting his arms on each side of her head and stared at her.

Taking in his angel.

"You're never going to get away from me." he whispered.

He took in her upper lip, his hot breath crashing on her lips. She deepened the kiss, getting on her tip toes to reach his mouth. He leaned down, moving has hands away so that he could be holding her closer by the waist. Her hands muffled with his hair and their passion got interrupted abruptly.

"Excuse me..." A strong male figure coughed up.

And they froze, realising this was not her father. The voice sounded to young, less mature. It didn't have that husky sound that came from the cigars. Both of them pulling away, whilst still looking into each other's lust filled eyes.

Pierce being the first to look away turned around to see who was in her house.

"Jesse!" She squealed, and quickly rushed out of Xavier's arms to hug him.

"Hey sweetie." He hugged her tight, oblivious to Xavier's reaction to this entire charade. The way his eyes blazed, his body tense and his fists clenched at his side just the same as his jaw.

"Pierce?" He coughed, lurking over to Jesse's direction.

Who the fuck was this guy?!

Xavier looked him up and down. A bleach blonde hair styled to perfection, brown eyed, pale skin with not a single mark, Ken doll. In a perfect blue buttoned up shirt and some khaki pants. The complete opposite of Xavier with long messy dark midnight hair that flops over his eyes just slightly, blue ocean eyes that change from light to dark, lightly tanned skin with a few hidden scars and dimples that had any girls {Except Pierce, sadly.} pants off within seconds.

"Oh, sorry. Xavier, I would like to introduce you to my childhood friend, Jesse. Jesse, this is my---" She got cut off in a matter of seconds.

"Boyfriend. I'm her loving boyfriend. Nice to meet you." Xavier told him. He shook Jesse's hand with all his might, and got his satisfaction when he saw the bastard cringe and bent a little at the impact.

"Be nice." Pierce mumbled at Xavier, with a stern look "So Jesse, what brings you to the Big Apple?" She asked, with a little too much excitement to Xavier's liking.

"Oh come on Pear, I came to see my favourite girl." He smiled, a smile Xavier was going to destroy. Because it was that smile that said "you are my whole world." And 'Pear'? What the fuck. Where does Pear fucking come from Pierce?!

Oh shit, this guy was going down. Down with the fucking wolves for what Xavier cared. Going down, just like David did.

No one was going to steal away his baby girl. Not on his watch. And not ever.

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