Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


"Yes Father. Hello Julia."

I pronounced the words with such coldness. The same tone my father would talk with to the help.

"Pleasure to see you again Pierce. How's school?"

She asked me with her fake smile. The same smile that convinced my father to ditch my mother for her sluttiness.


I replied, with a glare I should add.

"Honey. You're going to be late for school."

My father informed me, showing the time on his Rolex.

"Yes Dad. I'm off."

I nodded and grabbed my book bag with my coat and car keys. For my 16th birthday, my father hadn't attended the celebration. As an apology gift, he bought me a BMW. I cannot say I was upset with his gift, especially since it was diamond studded, but to celebrate a birthday with your maid and a box of fish eggs, well it wasnt the most pleasant of nights. Of course, I organized a proper sweet sixteen, with all my friends and a DJ and the whole kit, but it would've been nice to have my father with me. But as always, he had work to finish.

I started up the car and turned on the heating. The grounds were covered in a small coat of white and the trees were all frozen. The snowflakes were dropping all one by one, proving that every snowflake is unique. My mother always used to say that to me. She constantly told me that I was a snowflake and the snow was our world.

Every snowflake was different and unique, but together, we formed unity and stableness. Which is somewhat true I guess? I never got the time to prove that saying wrong. I drove by, appreciating the calmness of the wind and the snow. Thankfully, no snow storm was in head for our region. Then again, if school would be out because such disastrous weather, I wouldve appreciated some dedication from Mother Nature. I guess we cant get everything we want in this world. Such shame.

I crossed the bridge and finally arrived to destination, with about twenty minutes to spare before the beginning of classes. I parked my car at any of the available parking spots, normally reserved for teachers, but being the daughter of a powerful man has its advantages.

I locked the car and walked inside the academy, searching for my friends. The school itself was huge. Enormous would be a suitable adjective to qualify its size. The beige walls reminded us of bore ness and barfness--- If that is even a word. The locked were neatly organized alphabetically, meaning the girls with their family names starting with A were always up-front, close to the front entrance, always freezing during the winter's days.

The stairs were marble covered, in all its prestigious. The classrooms were all etiqueted the same orderly fashion; starting with a letter, followed by a number. A-12 for example, is our art studio. As for our cafeteria, well its size is adjustable, but we always prefer going out for lunch. That way, boys of the nearby private school are always enjoying a nice sight of our mini-skirts and our too-deep V-necks. Oh yes. Their highlights of the day included seeing us every lunch hour and pleasuring themselves. What hornyness.

Going back to business.

I arrived in style and joined my girlfriends. They were busy discussing the small gathering of people at our school next week. This 'gathering', as we like to put it, was the only time of year boys would appear on the premises of the school.

The principal subjectively hated when horny teenage boys would appear on our grounds, but for the homecoming dance, the administration felt compelled to grant our dearest wishes of any male interaction. We all decided who to bring, especially since this dance was probably the most important event of our senior year. There was no marge for error. This year was a deal breaker for any high society teen. We had to put in action every possible tool weve earned and learned during our 5 years of high school.

"Pierce. Who's escorting you to the ball Saturday night?"

Beth, my, well let's just call her a frenemie, asked me.

Fuck. She just had to ask me that question.

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