Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"Shit. Shit. Shit." Pierce cursed, getting dressed.

"Will you calm down?" Xavier asked her, with a chuckle.

"Calm down?! You want me to calm down?! Ha. Funny." She responded sarcastically.

"Will you shut up for five second?" He kissed her softly, shutting her up.

"I'm dead." She pronounced, shaking her head.

"You're not dying on my watch." He kissed her forehead getting up too get dressed.

"Well if I'm not gonna die, you will. My father's gonna freak." She squirmed, shitting herself.

"Will you calm down?" He chuckled "Nobody's dying."

"You've clearly never met my father."

"Baby. I love you and I'm planning on getting your fathers approval." He kissed her once again, this time with a little more passion.

He needed this approval.

On normal terms, he wouldnt give a damn about meeting the parents, but with Pierce, this was clearly different. He loved her and planned to get the respect of her parents.

"Behave." She warned him, but her eyes showed weakness.

"I promise." He pecked her lips softly, making sure she gets reassured.

She couldnt help but feel a wave of concern. Was he serious about her?

Her question would be answered tonight.


Pierce stayed quiet the whole ride back home. She prayed that her father wouldn't go ballistic, even though that was too much to ask.

Xavier interwined their fingers, holding her hand. He drove through extremely small streets, passing and turning. It took 20 minutes before they reached the mansion. Pierce gulped and sighed.

"Here goes everything." She mumbled, closing her eyes.

She felt soft lips on hers, kissing her tenderly.

"I love you, don't forget that." He whispered to her and then went and opened the car door for her.

"Let's just get this over with." She smiled and walked slowly over to her front door, shaking in the process. She knocked on the grandiose door, with Xander by her side. The door opened, but behind it was a blond 30 year old woman, with a huge grin.

"Hi Pierce." The woman hugged her enthusiastically.

"Ugh. Hi Jennifer." She mumbled, trying to get away from the hold "Where's my dad?" She glared at her fathers new girlfriend.

"In the living room. This must be your little friend." She smiled over at Xavier and winked at Pierce. Xavier chuckled quietly before introducing himself

"Xavier Dalton. It's nice to meet you Ms..." He trailed off unknowingly.

"Ms.Turner, but you can call me Jennifer. It's nice to meet you Xavier." She smiled and turned her attention over to Pierce "Darling, your father's waiting for you."

"Yeah, yeah." She rolled her eyes and entered the house, leading Xavier over to the living room. She braced herself. When she saw her father's impossible glare, her heart skipped a beat "Hi daddy." She tried to smile, but a grimace was out instead.

"Pierce." He acknowledged her.

"And this must be the asshole." He glared at Xavier, a death stare in the process. For a mere moment, Xavier prayed that he would get out of this alive "It's nice to meet you Mr. Montgomery." He practically choked the words out.

Mother fucker. Mother fucker. Mother fucker.

Her dad's the damn mayor, he thought too himself. Well shit.

"Sit down." His death glare was still there. Xavier gulped and sat down on the leather sofa, looking down.

"Look Dad---" She got cut off by a dominant male voice.

"You listen. I talk." He sternly advised her to shut up. She nodded, rolling her eyes "Did you do anything with my little girl?" He asked Xavier, an authority voice echoing

"Um." Taylor was speechless. He knew if he confessed, he would be dead on the spot. Yet, if he lied, he would lose her.

"I asked you a question, you're going to answer." He roared through the house

"DAD!" Pierce shouted, but was completely ignored. Xavier looked at the man in front of him and looked around him. Sure, he was scary as hell and with a dominant presence, but he didn't have anything. His daughter clearly hated him, and his wife left him, most likely because of an affair. Being the mayor didn't seem too hold much too it.

Xavier had no reason to be scared of him.

He knew his true feelings for Pierce were genuine and nobody would get in the way of him being with his one and only love.

While Pierce and her father were bickering, Xavier took his courage into both hands and spoke.

'"Yes." He answered, looking in the father of the girl he loves eyes.

"What?" He asked him, completely out of it.

"Yes. I did something with Pierce. And hell, I don't regret it one bit." His tone was filled with fearlessness.

"You son of a---" Xavier cut him off.

"You know what? I love your daughter, with everything in me. Most guys are filled with fear when they meet you, but I can assure you, I'm not the least bit scared. I'm not a bad guy, an asshole or a son of a bitch. I love your daughter. I fought for her for so long, and I'm not losing her yet. You're trying to scare me off, but with all due respect, it's not working. I love her and I just want to protect her, just like what you're doing right now." He looked at Pierce, who had tears about to flow. He took her hand, still gazing in her eyes "I love her and nothing is going to change that."

Mr. Montgomery was kept silent for a mere minute before speaking again "You trying to sell me bullshit, son?" He glared, waiting for an answer.

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