Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Pierce walked out the classroom in full exasperation mode. Who could blame her? With all exams coming up, she was about to explode. Thankfully, the homecoming dance started to calm her. Sure, she had to tough up with Xavier for a full evening; yet, she would get what she always wanted: power. Her father has always been a man of power and good will. He would work his butt off to get what he wanted. It was tough for her to deal with all of that, but she managed. Not having a mother was hard.

"I miss you mom."

She whispered, looking down. Yeah, her real birth mother died when Pierce was a baby. She didn't have any precise memories of her, but still, it hurt to know the person who loved you the most parted ways with the world. It was one tough concept to figure out.

"Hey Pierce, what's up?" Danielle asked her, leaning against the greyish lockers.

"Um. Nothing much. Heading off. You?" Pierce rolled her eyes. Every single girl at this school was a poser. A stuck-up bitch. Hell, she was one hell of a bitch when it was needed. She couldn't judge.

"Well, I wanted to know if you wanted to get a bite to eat? Maybe right now if you're not busy?" Danielle asked, hopefully.

"Did Beth put you up to this? I'm really not in the mood for these childish games." Pierce warned her.

"No. It's genuine. I swear." Danielle told her quickly.

As if that counted for something.

"Yeah, why not?" Piece merely smiled and walked side-by-side with Danielle, still asking herself why would she ever accept her offer?


"Dude, you got in?" David sat next to his best friend.

"Told you I could. Now, its just going to consist of getting her to open up. We're set for life man." Xavier smirked. Yeah sure, he did truly start getting feelings for this girl, but hell, he was 20 years old, re-taking some college classes. The choice between drugs and a girl was pretty simple.

"Dude, we're so getting this. She's going to be easy to crack."

David smirked undefeated.

"Yeah, sure."

Xavier lied. He wasnt so sure about that aspect.


"So, Xavier Dalton's your prince charming?" Danielle asked while sipping her Perrier water.

"Something like that."

Pierce coyly answered.

"Well, do you have any feelings for this guy? Any?"

Pierce thought about that one. Did she have any feelings for him?

"Any butterflies in your stomach?" Danielle asked her.


"No. Absolutely not."

Pierce replied, she refused to proclaim the truth.

"Any dreams about him?"

Mostly erotic.

"Ew! What kind of girl do you take me for?" Pierce exclaimed in a lie.

"Any wishes you could be together?"

Hell yes.


Pierce practically shouted in denial.

That's when she figured out that she was lying to herself.

Majorly lying.

She had feelings for the asshole.

The angel fell for the demon or in this case 'The Smoker'.

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