Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Xavier walked back to campus and spit on the school ground. He shagged his hair and entered the huge hallway, confidence all portrayed. He spotted his best friend, David, and headed over to his direction.

"Hey man, rave tonight. You headin' there?" David asked him, cautious of his answer. Lets just say Xavier was head of the school, not willingly, but more forcefully. He hated it, what can you say?

"I'll check it out." Xavier coyly replied. He hated giving details of his personal life, even if it only meant his attendance at a 'party'. He was one to bring secrets to the grave.

"You think I should hook up with Stacey?" David asked his friend for advice. Xavier was a true ladies man. Every girl from St-Catherine's was head over heels for him. Of course, except one.

"Slutty Stacey? Hook-up or long term?" Xavier asked. He was one with all the answers.

"Hook-up. Definitely hook-up..."

"Sure. Why not? Its not like she has anything better to do." Xavier smirked and headed for the front door.

"Man. You're skipping?" David shouted, but it was too late.

Xavier was way long gone...


Pierce tapped her pencil against the wooden desk, waiting for time to pass. History was a dreadful subject for her, just because she hated the concept of looking back in the past. Her theory was to always look out for the future. Never look back at previous mistakes, they only slow you down.

Pierce was deep in thought, more precisely, deep in thought for the Carrington Ball, also known as homecoming. It was THE most important social event of the year, but yet, Pierce still had no date. She knew Beth would find herself the whole package; cute face, nice body, decent family, great grades and the perfect personality. How could Pierce beat that? It was humanly impossible, even for an elite such as herself.


Pierce shook her thought out of her head and stared meaninglessly outside. The snow covered perfectly the ground and the trees were frozen with ice. The wind was peacefully calming its surroundings and the national flag was waving with all its pride.

"Ms. Montgomery, you look pale child" Mrs Tipping pronounced. For her, everybody was either pale or just depressed.

Probably her medication taking effect. Pierce decided to take advantage of the situation she was in.

"Yeah. I'm not feeling too well Mrs Tipping. May I please be excused to the infirmary?" Pierce lied, with oh-too much facility. It paid being the daughter of Senator Montgomery.

"Of course darling."And with that, she handed her the hall pass and Pierce was out the door in mere seconds. She went to her locker and grabbed her jacket. With that, she also took her iPod and her cellphone in case of emergency. She sneakily walked out of the school and to the surroundings of the school. Leaning against the brick wall was no other than Mr Dalton.

"Oh God. Now you're stalking me?" Pierce rolled her eyes and plugged one earphone into her right ear. Music suddenly blasted through her right ear and the soothing tempo of Daughtry calmed her down.

"Nah. I should be asking you the same question. I believe you have classes now."

Xavier smirked and took a puff out of his cigarette.

"I didn't feel good" Pierce glared and sat on the cold marble bench.

"So Miss Perfect ditched?"

"No. Technically, this is a health excuse, so no ditching from my part is needed. The beauty of being a good girl." Pierce smirked and checked the time on her Pre Palm.

"You are aware that I'm not falling for your childish act? I know what you're capable of." Xavier informed her.

"Which is?" Pierce questioned while scrolling for a new song choice

"You know very well what I'm talking about. Ditching, shameless flirting. What's next? MsPerfect will forget her homework!" Xavier faked gasped and chuckled

"Who says I'm flirting with you?" Pierce smirked "Perhaps you're the one who's tempting to seduce me."

"And what if I am?" Xavier leaned onto the metal fence that was separating the pair.

"I would have to say that you failed. Big time boo..." Pierce smirked and walked away from Xavier, leaving him frozen on the spot.

Oh fuck! Was he falling for her tricks? Was he falling for her?...

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