Chapter 1

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{ The first chapter is just an introduction, I promise it gets a lot better after;
Please don't give up on me or my story. }

Chapter 1


Life of the rich and famous. Stupid quote, big meaning. At least, for the people who understand the concept of the high life, the life you give away for your career, the career path you choose could either break or make your career. Not many people understand this particular concept of life, why waste your life pursuing other peoples interests? Good point. But if those peoples interests help you succeed in life, then what's the harm?
Yes, of course, there is a certain limit to attain that level, in this world, you have to fight for what you want. Even if it means to hurt the people you cherish the most along the way.

And this concept of life starts at young age. High school to be precise. Especially at elite private academies. Even better, at all-girls private schools. You know, the charming, reputable academy across the city, where everything seems to be great and it never rains, but truth be told, it's always a thunderstorm. The appearance of such schools is so cliché, people forget to look inside, look at every girl attending the school to realise the drama we unfold during normal school hours. Everybody thinks, money equals happiness. Yes, we all know the saying; money doesn't buy happiness. Oh but honey, have you ever experienced it? Have you ever really gone through the experience to comprehend that money does not buy happiness? We all doubt this quote, it's obvious, but can we really understand it? I can. Why you may ask? Well here's your answer.

I attend St-Catherine Elite. Also known as the highest reputable private school in North America. And we exceed every possible dramatic unfolding any other school could deal with. Oh yes.


Oh joy! Monday Morning. Depression; Suicide; School it all leads to Monday. The day of the week we are obliged to attend school, even though we are still suffering from a major hang-over from the previous night. The day where everybody seems out of themselves, as if we had nothing better to do than to mope around school, carrying ten ton of books and papers, all due for the precise echelon. Yes, we deal with this everyday. But why does it seem harder on Monday?

I woke up at 7:30 a.m., still dealing with an atrocious headache. And yes, I admit, I was partying a tad too hard the previous evening. What'd you got to do? Teenagers party. It's a fact and nobody can stop us. Anyways, instead of mopping around the house, trying to pity myself for such disgrace, I decided to get dressed and head downstairs, once again, to deal with the tortures of life as a teen. When I descended the stairs, I caught a glimpse of my father and his girlfriend sucking faces in the living room. Another fact nobody can possibly believe, but when you are rich, the duration of marriages shorten by the hour. My parents divorced the second my mother figured out my oh-so wonderful dad was having an affair with his boss's daughter in order to boost his promotion. He eventually got his promotion, earning about $700,000 a year, but lost his wife during the process. And I was stuck alone, with nobody to help me. What joy!

"Ugh." I simply muttered under my breath, praying my father hadn't heard my remark.

"Pierce, sweetie. Politeness is the first key to success." My father informed me with his low tone scruffy voice. He always numerated the keys to success. For him, that was definition of a father. And in some ways, it kind of was. He always thought a father should show strictness and determination towards a child so that eventually, they could structure their own life. My father isn't a warm person. The last time he hugged me was the day of my 15th birthday. A year ago. To be honest, I really hadnt cared that much. I was used to a childhood of sternness and coldness. Eventually, you get to use to that way of life. It isnt always pleasant, but it will someday come in handy. At least, I dearly hope so.

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