Chapter 7

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(Reached Restaurant)

Mon, what do you like to have ??


Mon , mon !!!!!

Yeah ...

I asked you what do you want ??


Hmmm ....

Waiter came and took the order from sam .

Sam .... I need to talk with you ... Please can you listen to me

About what , Sam looked Mons eyes

About that night .


I'm sorry about what I did that day.


Sam say something

(Soon Food arrived to the table , Sam served food to Mon )

Mon have it ..

Mon got tears on her eyes . She left abruptly and ran towards parking.

Sam Confused and went to out

Sam placed her hand on mon shoulder from back .

Mon hugged Sam and started crying .

Why are you doing this to me ? I m not sure what is in you mind ? I already confessed my love , you neither nor rejected it or accepted it . I m confused what I should do now ? If i know this is how you are going to react i never thought of confessing my love for you .......... With shaking voice mon cried by hugging Sam ..

Sam gently lifted mon's face .... Kissed her lips gently for a two seconds . Mon stoped crying and closed her eyes .

Mon , I love you is this enough for you to stop crying . I m shocked about that night . I do not want to make you uncomfortable by asking . I planned to surprise you but suddenly all this happened so i came here . Sorry , for making you cry .

Will you be my girlfriend? , Sam kneeled down and proposed her .

Mon stunned with Sam behaviour !!!!
(I m in dream or what )

Mon ????

Will you be , before Sam completed its

Mon said yeah .... I ll... Noooo... I want to be , she shouted at joy and hugged Sam tightly ......

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