Chapter 66

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Mon i need to go early to the office , i do not want breakfast , i ll have it in the office.

Sam kissed mon cheek and she left the mansion

Mon thought of waking up olivia and giving her breakfast .

She went inside and she saw olivia sleeping well.

Mon thought of leaving her for some more minutes .

After an hour , olivia wake up , she shouted for help .

Mon ran to the olivia room. Yes olivia you want anything , no i need to use bathroom .

That's it , i ll help you mon walked towards Olivia and she lifted and carried her in her arms .

You can use olivia and i ll wait for you outside .

Thanks mon

After mon made olivia to sit on the bed.

Olivia you need anything else !!

Thanks mon for helping me

That's okay , i prepared breakfast i ll bring them now

Mon left the room ..

After feeding food to olivia , mon gets up from the bed .

Olivia i need to leave now , maid is already here if you want anything you can ask them... Mon smiled and she left the room

Olivia phone ringing

Yes Nita , Olivia asked

How are you ? Nita akses Olivia

I m happy , Olivia shouted in Joy

What happened ? Why are you so happy ? Nita asked

Because I m with mon she is taking care of me , what else reason i need to be happy !!!

But olivia it is just for a while , Nita smiled

Stop it , why you called me now ?? Say that

I already applied a job in Sam's company

It's sounds good ...

So our plan is started !!!

Yes you are right boss , Nita smiled at the other end .

Sam , there is a new application , Jim forwarded papers to sam

Who is it , Sam saw the papers

It's Nita !!! Why she need a job in our company , Sam asked With Jim

I m not sure , what shall we do now ???

She is good talented girl better we need to consider this , Jim said

But ....

What happened ? Jim asked

Nothing , you decide it , i need to leave  early , i promised i ll take mon for a sushi date , Sam said

Wow ... My friend. Is going for a date , shall i join ???

Yes you can !! Sam said

Ok then give me 10 more minutes i ll send this mail and then we will move .

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