Chapter 36

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Mon entered the lobby and gave the medicines to nurse.

Sam...drink the water , Mon gave a water bottle to Sam

Do you guys had anything ?? , Michael asked towards mon

No .. i do not want to go anywhere , Sam replied

Sam the operation will be started after an hour , Mon take her to cafeteria and make her to eat , Michael turned towards mon and said

Yes uncle.

Mon forecfully take Sam to cafeteria...

After 6 - 7 hours mom is shifted to general ward.

Sam, ran towards her mom and she started crying.

Doctor advised us not to disturb her , so mon consoled her ...

Sam keeps on crying made her to passed out..

She is admitted in same hospital and gave iv trips.

Mon and Michael went to meet doctor.

Doctor how is my sister ?? Michael asked

The operation is successfully done , she needs complete rest and no sudden shocks/news to be said to her. Take care her carefully for next 6 months. Her age needs to support this operation .so she will be in observation for next 2 days.

Mon and Michael thanked doctor .

Sam , are you feeling ok ? Mon sat next to sam ....

How is mom, Sam started cry

Sam don't cry it's not good for your health, she is completely fine.

Next two days mon and Sam is in hospital, Jim took care of the companies work and irin supported for taking mon notes

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