Chapter 96

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Sam and Mon entered the Hall , holding each other's hands .

Everyone looked at both of them . They cheered them

Sam and Mon reached the centre of the hall.

Jim and Nita stand next to Sam

Olivia and irin stand next to Mon

Sam looked at Mon and she smiled

Olivia gave the ring to Mon and asked to wear it to Sam

Nita gave the ring to sam and asked to wear it to mon

They both exchanged the rings , the crowd clapped and shouted .

Sam looked at mon , she started to say her vow

Mon thanks for coming into my life , i never feel alone when i surrounded by you . I never missed my father , you will be the one when i need . I really do not know how this magic happened to me . You are a magic of my life and i need to be with you little more forever . Thanks for changing me and accepting me who am I .

Mon smiled and crowd clapped

Sam , You are my dream . When i fall for you , i never thought i ll hold your hand in front of everyone . You are the one i always need . What else I can say because you are my world. Without you my world will be stopped . I need you forever and ever .

Crowd shouted to kiss each other

Sam and mon kissed gently on their lips .

Finally sam and mon got married .

But mon happiness is not sustained for an hour . Soon Sam got pain in her stomach and she fainted .

Mon and Jim took Sam to the hospital !!!

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