Johan Seong

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It has been five years since Kazuto began his life as Johan Seong in the world of Lookism.

The first five years of Kazuto, now Johan's life very well, but it wasn't to last for long.

And Johan knows that too.

Mrs. Seong's eyesight was getting worse, but she still works as a hairdresser to earn money for her family.

Johan was getting ready to play outside with his friends, and his mother was standing with him.

"Mom, I'm going outside to play with Zack and Mira"

"Take care Johan"Said Mrs. Seong and Johan nodded and smiled but before he could leave the house.

Johan was stopped by his mother, who leaned down to his height and smiled, straightening Johan's clothes.

"Darling, you should always dress well no matter what happens

"But why does it matter?"

"Well-groomed clothes increase your value as an individual."Said Mrs. Seong, and Johan looked at her with a silly face and said, "Mom, that makes no sense at all now"

Mrs. Seong just smiled as Johan sighed and started to leave, but Mrs. Seong stopped him again and said.

"Johan, please come back before dinner, okay?"

"Okay, Mom"

"And don't get your clothes dirty, honey."Said Mrs. Seong and Johan looked down to the ground, knowing exactly why she had told him that.

Johan didn't have many clothes to wear, so he had to keep them clean so he could wear them longer.

"Don't worry mom, I'll come back without a pint of dirt on me"

Johan smiled at her before leaving the house, and Mrs. Seong returned her son's smile before going back to her salon.

Meanwhile, Johan stepped out of his house where Zack and Mira were waiting for him.

Zack ran straight at him, but Johan's [Mind's Eye] came into play and Johan fell upon Zack.

Zack threw himself against the wall while Johan and Mira laughed at him.

A five-year-old Zack got back up and Johan grinned at him, "Are you hurt, kid?"

Zack gritted his teeth, but then Mira asked in a concerned tone, "Zack, are you okay?"

Zack heard Mira worrying about him and Zack was in seventh heaven.

Zack imagined his marriage to her at that moment, "Mira worries about me, Mira likes me! Oh yeah!"

"Mira! Zack the husband! Mira the wife, here comes the bride!"

Zack was in his fantasy world, dreaming of his married life with Mira, but Johan snapped his fingers.

"What happened, big boy?"Said Johan with a mischievous smile on his face. "Did you dream about something good?"Said Johan and Zack got annoyed with him and Zack said sulkily, "You're mean, you got out of my way at the last moment when I wanted to 'hug' you."

"That wasn't a hug, you were trying to attack me"

"That's called a spear! It's a legendary WWE technique that Roman Reigns uses

Said Zack with great confidence and Johan asked "Weren't you a boxer?"

Johan and Zack went back and forth, but soon Mira was annoyed and she pulled them both along to play on the playground.

"Let's play catch!"

All three decided, and it was Zack's turn to catch it, and Zack counted to a hundred before he could start catching the others.

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