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The first day of school ended for Johan and everyone went back to their place and currently it was evening time and Johan was jogging around.

Johan was jogging but then he saw a convenient store at a distance and he wanted to buy someone to drink so he ran towards the store and entered the store.


The one working at the store welcomed Johan before seeing who it was and the one working there was none other than Daniel park in his original body.

"Its him again!"Daniel mentally exclaimed to himself on seeing Johan enter the store but Johan didn't do anything and he went towards the freezer and bought water for himself.

"Here, I will take this"Johan said while handing the bottle to Daniel for billing and Daniel scaredy took the bottle and said"That will be 500 won"

"Do you guys take cards? I don't have cash on me"Johan asked while rubbing the back of his head nervously and Daniel shrugged and slowly said"Sure, You can pay with card but do you have-"


Johan cut him off by showing off his premium card and Daniel was left surprised for a second"I didn't know they made a card like that"

Johan paid for his water bottle and he was about to leave but Daniel stopped him"Mister you gave me more money than needed"

Daniel tried to stop him but Johan just turned and said"Keep it for yourself, It is not worth much to me"

Johan said and he turned around about to leave but he says something to Daniel"Hey dude, You live with Daniel park right?"

"Y-yes"Daniel said and Johan glanced at him and said"Can you say sorry to him from me?"

"Sorry for what?"Daniel acted smart for very first time and Johan said"You remember he had his nose broken sometime ago? Actually it was me but i had my reasons for that"

"Oh but why did you hit him?"Lil Daneil asked and Johan said"I was on duty to keep my client safe that was it, Please say sorry to him from me, I couldn't do it myself at school because It's embarrassing"

"I'm not even that bad as he thinks and I don't want anyone to despise for a small misunderstanding"Johan said before finally leaving the convenient store and going back to his place leaving Daniel in deep thaughts where Daniel was thinking if He just had a bad impression of Johan as He didn't seemed like a bad person now.


Another day passed by, and right now, Zack was sitting in the classroom with Johan talking to a guy named Namsoo Lee.

"Hey, Namsoo," Zack called out to him, and Namsoo looked at Zack. "Yes, Zack?"

"You're always on Craigslist, right?" Zack said. "I can't find limited edition Jordans. Can you find some for me?" Zack asked, and Namsoo, being scared of Zack, reluctantly agreed to do it.

Namsoo went back home and searched the entire internet to find those shoes for Zack.

"How can I buy them at that price!?" Namsoo exclaimed. "They carry a big premium because DG wore them. They are nowhere to be found. I guess there is no choice but to beg the sellers."

Left with no choice, Namsoo started begging the sellers of Jordans to buy one pair for Zack. After being rejected many times, Namsoo was basically crying at this point.

"Zack has no idea about the value of those shoes. There is no way I can find them for $300," Namsoo lamented. "I guess I will have to kick in some of my own money."

Namsoo was crying, but suddenly he heard a notification, and they had agreed to sell him those shoes. Namsoo checked the profile picture, and it was a cute girl. Being the lusty individual he is, Namsoo couldn't hold his desires and agreed with the girl.

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