Cheonliang Duo

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Johan, along with his secretary Mizu, was in his chopper on their way to Seoul. Why waste time for no reason? He had to go to Seoul anyway, so why not do it quickly?

After a few hours, Johan's ride reached the city of Seoul, and they were above the third affiliate. However, Johan said, "Don't land here. Get to the first affiliate instead."

"Yes, sir," the pilot said, and he changed the course of the flight. Mizu was surprised, but it wasn't her fault. She wasn't aware of the situation.

Currently, Johan is in Seoul without Eugene knowing because it would be a laughing matter if other presidents found out that one of Johan's branches betrayed him.

Johan only kind of trusts Hangyul among all of his workers since they are kind of good friends. If it weren't for Hangyul Baek being weird, they could have been best friends. Still, they are friends though.

If Johan goes to the first affiliate instead of the third affiliate, then no one will know about him coming to Seoul.

"What's the first affiliate? I never heard about it," Mizu asked. It was her first time getting to know about the first affiliate because not everyone knows about it.

Only higher-ups know about the first affiliate, while very few know about Cipher Affiliate. However, the whole world knows about the Grimm surgery and Cipher Entertainment.

"You'll know it when you see it," Johan said as he picked up his phone and dialed someone.

That someone was the president of the first affiliate, Hangyul Baek, and soon Hangyul picked up. "Hello, cutie~"

"Hey, weird doc, I'm in Seoul," Johan said, and Hangyul's face lit up. "Where? I'm right there."

"Come out of your damn office," Johan said, and Hangyul nodded as he ran out of the hospital. However, Hangyul found nothing there.

"It's nothing. Are you joking with me?" Hangyul asked, and Johan said, "Look upwards, you dumbass."

Johan pointed upwards, where Hangyul saw a helicopter, and he smiled widely. "Cutie, here I am!"

Hangyul shouted, and Johan facepalmed himself while Mizu felt uneasy about it. "President, your friend is weird for sure," she said.

"I know," Johan said, showing his phone to Mizu, which had Hangyul's contact saved as "Weird Shit."

Meanwhile, Johan grabbed the ladder to descend while Mizu was scared to do so. "Can't we land here?" she asked.

"No, there isn't a helipad at the first affiliate," Johan said. "Now follow me before I throw you myself."

"But how do we do this?" Mizu asked, not knowing a single thing about it and feeling scared.

"And I thought you were the older one here," Johan said as he picked her up with one hand and slowly descended to the ground from the air.

"You pervy brat, I didn't tell you to touch me!" Mizu cried, but Johan ignored her. When they were about five feet in the air, Johan dropped her on the ground.

Mizu fell on the ground, and Johan mocked her while laughing at her. "Hey, did you just feel that earthquake?"

"You jerk!" Mizu yelled out while crying for help. Johan laughed at her first before helping her to get back up on her feet. They then met with Hangyul Baek.

Hangyul hugged Johan with a huge grin once he saw him and said, "I missed you a lot. Are you staying in Seoul now?"

"Probably," Johan replied. Hangyul then took both of them to his clinic where they spent some time before Johan and Mizu left.

Johan and Mizu were now looking for the branch that betrayed them. Johan asked his secretary, "What's the address?"


"The address of the branch in Seoul that betrayed us. We need to pay them a visit to solve this issue," Johan said. Mizu nodded and gave him the address, saying "Here."

Soon, Johan and Mizu reached the place where their Cipher Entertainment branch was located in Seoul. By the looks of it, it was quite a large building, almost the size of the Fourth affiliate. However, it was currently locked for some reason.

Johan was standing in front of the main door, which was locked with a huge lock on it. "What the? This is locked," he said.

"It appears that it's either a holiday or they ran away before we got here," Mizu said. Johan said, "It can't be a holiday. That means they betrayed us." He held the lock in his hand and was about to break it with his hands, but someone tackled him from behind.

Johan was tackled by someone, and he was shaken from his stance. This was unexpected because not just anyone could harm him. Using Kyokushin karate had allowed Johan's body to withstand a lot of power, yet he was shaken by this random person.

"Hey, you asshole!" the person who tackled Johan yelled, trying to grab hold of him. Finally, Johan was able to see his face. The person was wearing sunglasses and a cap. Johan looked bored and asked, "Who are you?"

"You asshole, you forgot me? I am Vin Jin, I was supposed to be the rising star in your company," Vin Jin said, holding Johan's collar.

Johan didn't understand what Vin meant, but he was annoyed because Vin was holding his collar. Johan used Aikido and slammed Vin to the ground. Vin Jin hit the ground and thought to himself, "This punk isn't a nobody; he surely works out."

Vin Jin got back on his feet to get hold of Johan again, but Johan dodged him and said, "Judo? Let me show you how we do it." Even before Vin knew it, Johan had him in his grip. Vin Jin thought, "I didn't even see him move. Fuck these glasses!"

Johan grabbed Vin and slammed him to the ground, but he stopped mid-way because he felt someone tickle him on the side. Johan dropped Vin on the ground and looked to the side, where Mary Kim was trying to punch him with all her power. "Why isn't this bastard feeling anything? Is this his skin or leather?" Mary Kim said. "Fuck this! Punching isn't even my thing. I will do what I'm good at - Judo!" Mary Kim got hold of Johan and slammed him to the ground.

"This is for playing with us, cheater," Mary Kim said while standing over Johan. Vin joined her and said, "Let me call the police to get you cheaters behind bars."

Johan was lying on the ground like nothing had happened to him at all. Mary's attack should have hurt, but it didn't. Either she had gotten weaker, or he was too much of a monster now. Either way, Johan soon got back up and looked at the Cheonliang Duo.

"You also do Judo? But I don't hit girls," Johan said and started walking away. Mary tried to attack him again, but this time, Johan grabbed her and almost slammed her to the ground but didn't. He just dropped her and said, "I could beat you both, but I don't see the benefit there. Now, would you mind explaining why you attacked me?"

"What do you mean? You betrayed us! You should go to jail," Mary said, and Vin agreed with her. Johan was about to say something, but Mizu stepped in and said, "I think there is some misunderstanding between us."

"What do you mean?" Mary and Vin asked. Mizu said, "I mean, we aren't the ones you are looking for."

"Aren't you from this company? We gave an audition, and I was promised a place in the main band as a vocalist," Vin Jin said. Mary added, "And I was supposed to be a model here, but you took our money and ran away. But today, we found you going back into the building."

Mary and Vin explained their perspective, and Johan sighed. He looked at the Cheonliang Duo and asked, "Would you guys like to talk somewhere else better than the street?"

That's it for the chapter.

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