Expanding Business

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After a while, the door of Johan's office opened, and DG walked out. He wasn't unscathed; he had a bruise on his face as if someone had punched him straight in the face. But other than that, James Lee was completely fine. He walked out of Johan's office and went straight out of the Cipher Entertainment building.

Meanwhile, back in the office, Johan Seong was still lying on the floor, defeated. Blood was coming out of the back of his head, but it didn't bother him right now. Johan was looking at the ceiling, thinking about his fight with James Lee, and he laughed humorously. "He completely destroyed me, didn't he?"

"Ah, man, losing sucks! I wanted to win!" Johan yelled out, beating his hands on the floor and making some noise. But soon Johan calmed down and remembered that he was bleeding heavily. "I should get healed up or I could die of blood loss," Johan said as he slowly got back on his feet. "It would be a good joke if I died to blood loss but not James Lee," Johan laughed. He then rang the bell on his table, which called someone into his room.

Johan's employees ran into his room and saw that the room was a mess and Johan was bleeding heavily from the back of his head. "Sir! What happened to you?" one of his employees asked.

"Someone call the fucking ambulance!"

"President! Somebody get me the first aid!" another employee shouted.

The workers got all fired up to save Johan, and Johan was there just chilling, smoking his cigarette while his employees were running here and there. Soon enough, the doctors came, and Johan was treated. His bleeding stopped, and he was given blood. The doctors told him to rest until his blood recovered completely, even though he had just received a transplant.

"Man, this sucks!" those were Johan's words when he had to wait for a whole week to get back to being completely healthy.

After a week, Johan was completely fine, and it was time for him to implement his plans. He was pretty much ready to leave for Incheon, and he was currently discussing matters with Eugene.

Both of them were standing on the penthouse of the club ViVi, where a chopper was waiting for Johan to take him to Incheon. The helicopter was a gift from Eugene, as a good luck charm to Johan on his mission to take over Incheon.

As they stood there, Johan and Eugene went over the plan once more to ensure everything was in place. Johan was grateful for Eugene's help and support in this mission. "Remember, we need to be cautious and make calculated moves," Johan said to Eugene.

Eugene nodded in agreement. "I've made sure that all your contacts in Incheon have been informed and are ready to assist you. You just need to focus on executing the plan."

Johan smiled. "I appreciate everything you've done for me, Eugene. You're a G."

Eugene patted him on the back. "Just be careful out there. I don't want anything to happen to you."

Johan nodded. "I'll be careful."

As they were about to board the helicopter, Eugene handed Johan a small box. "This is for good luck," he said.

Johan opened the box to find a silver pendant with a small diamond on it. "Thank you, Eugene. I'll take that, dude, but I am straight."

"That's for good luck!"

"Yeah, but remember, I am straight. So keep your distance from me."

With that, Johan boarded the helicopter and took off for Incheon. He knew the road ahead would be difficult, but he was ready to take on the challenge.

Johan's chopper landed at Incheon International Airport, where he was greeted by his contacts.

"Welcome to Incheon, sir!"

"Welcome, sir."

"We welcome you to Incheon, Mr. Seong!"

All the people whom Eugene had contacted were waiting for Johan to step out of his chopper.

"You all must be the ones handling everything here for us," Johan said while standing in front of the men Eugene contracted.

"Yes, sir!"

"Chairman Eugene told us to set up everything for you to take over."

They said to Johan, and then Johan asked, "Did Eugene say something else?"

"No, sir! The Chairman instructed us to assist you here in Incheon."

They said, and Johan nodded, saying, "Alright, guys. You will handle Cipher affiliate in Incheon, but first-"

Johan said and he took off his sunglasses and said, "I think there is someone for me to take care of."

"You mean HIM?" The branch of workers asked, and Johan nodded, saying, "Yes, I am talking about him, the king of Incheon."

"Minjoon Kang."

The workers replied as they all walked away from there, and Johan spoke while walking.

"I heard that there is some inner conflict going on between Minjoon and his successor?" Johan said. One of his subordinates replied, "You are absolutely right, sir."

"Tell me about that," Johan said, and his subordinate started, "The king of Incheon, Minjoon Kang, has a successor named Jinsung Lee."

"At first, those two seemed like normal, but secretly Jinsung has been harboring hatred for Minjoon for years now," the subordinate said, and Johan asked, "Why is that?"

"Because unlike the other kings, Minjoon Kang is still active, and as long as he is active, Jinsung can't possibly get control over Incheon," the subordinate said, showing his knowledge. "Jinsung is an obsessive fellow who goes to any limits for what he wants. I won't be surprised if he tries to kill Minjoon Kang."

"Hey, this Jinsung fellow seems useful for now. Get him to me," Johan ordered, and everyone around knew what they had to do.

Johan, meanwhile, went to the place that Eugene had given him for the meantime he was in Incheon.

Johan was chilling in his new house, but he soon heard some noises from outside, and Johan went to see it.

Once Johan reached out, he saw that his subordinates were standing there with a new face, and Johan concluded, "You must be Jinsung Lee?"

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