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Johan was sitting right in front of Eugene, along with Mandeok and Yousong.

All four of them were on the penthouse of the third affiliate, where Goo had left them. Eugene and Johan had locked eyes, and Eugene said, "Mr Seong, welcome to Workers."

"Thank you," Johan replied.

Eugene smiled at him before they shook hands again. Johan asked, "What's my job here?"

"First, we need to analyze you, and then I will tell you your job," Eugene said.

"Analyzing as in fighting prowess?" Johan asked.

"If you wish," Eugene replied. "Workers isn't just about fighting. We care about all the talent we can get, whether it's fighting or not."

"Well, to be honest with you, I don't know much other than fighting," Johan admitted.

Eugene nodded and said, "That's fine. We can surely do something."

Eugene knew that Johan was strong, or else Goo would have never brought him to Workers. But he didn't know how strong Johan actually was, which is why he couldn't make the best use of him in Workers.

"Mr Seong, did I not introduce you to the others? Sorry, it's my bad," Eugene said, turning to Mandeok and introducing him. "That's Vice President Mandeok Bang. Please be respectful towards him."

Eugene introduced Mandeok, and the vice president slightly smiled at Johan and said, "Nice to meet you, Mr Seong."

"It's your pleasure," Johan replied. Eugene then turned to his twin brother, who was sitting quietly with his cap on.

"That is our VIP," Eugene said, and Johan narrowed his eyes at Yousong, who had been looking at Johan under his cap for a while now.

"Does the VIP have a name or not?" Johan asked, and Eugene put on a serious face and said, "Only the VIP can tell you that, but I don't think he wishes to talk."

"Fine, whatever," Johan said, getting up from his place. "Can we leave now?"

"Sure, let's go," Eugene said, also getting up from his place. But Yousong got up before him.

Johan was walking towards the helipad, away from the penthouse, when Yousong stopped him midway.

"What?" Johan asked, stopping because Yousong had blocked his way. They both stood in front of each other.

Eugene was surprised to see his brother react like that, but he was also intrigued to see that someone was able to pique Yousong's interest.

"Is he really that strong to interest my brother?" Eugene thought to himself, severely underrating Johan at the moment.

"Chairman, should I stop Mr. VIP?" Mandeok asked, but Eugene stopped him and said, "Please let them be. I haven't seen my brother this excited in a long time."

"As you wish, Chairman," Mandeok said, and Eugene looked at him and said, "Vice President, could you get me something to sit on? Let's enjoy the fight between those two."

Eugene said, and Mandeok nodded before lifting Eugene up on his shoulders. Eugene smiled and said, "Vice President, you shouldn't put yourself through this much for me."

"It's nothing, Chairman," Mandeok said, being as humble as he is. "Anything for the Chairman."

Mandeok and Eugene watched as Yousong and Johan faced off in front of them.

"Why are you blocking my way, VIP?" Johan asked, but Yousong gave him no response.

Johan got annoyed and placed his head right in front of Yousong's forehead. "Are you trying to pick a fight with me, punk?" Johan said. He saw Yousong started to smile like crazy, and Yousong threw a loose punch at Johan.

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