Jae won highschool

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A few days had passed since the festival, and after it, Johan returned to his place, while Crystal went back to her own place.

Currently, Johan was dialing someone to talk to them, more precisely, he was calling up Eugene. It was very rare for Johan to call Eugene, as it was always Eugene calling him, but not vice versa.

Johan didn't like to talk to Eugene because the four eyes gave him the creeps, and he also had another headcanon where he believed that there was something going on between the three - Eugene, Yousong, and Mandeok - like a love triangle that gave him the creeps.

But today was a different day when Johan was the one calling Eugene for some reason.

Well, actually, Johan wanted to let Eugene know about something he had noticed at J High School when he was there with Crystal.

Johan couldn't tell Eugene before because he didn't want to, but now he wanted to tell him about this person whom he saw at J High School.

"You damn four eyes, pick up the phone!" Johan cursed while waiting for Eugene to pick up the phone, but Eugene didn't.

"That asshole, I seriously hate these nerds," Johan wondered while calling Eugene again. After a while, Eugene finally picked up the phone, and he was delighted, which was clear by his voice.

"Am I dreaming, or am I getting a call from President Seong upfront?" Eugene said enthusiastically, and Johan said, "No, you're not dreaming. It's me."

"How can I help you today, Mr. Seong?" Eugene said, while Johan looked irritated, and he said, "I wanted to let you know something that I just found out myself recently."

"What are you talking about?" Eugene asked, still calm and composed, as if he already knew this information, and Johan asked him, "Do you know about the Original H of Hostel?"

"I do, but what about him? He's been missing in action for three years now," Eugene said calmly, and Johan replied, "Do you remember that I was in J High School a few days ago with Mrs. Crystal?"

"And is there something I need to know?" Eugene asked, still calm and composed, as if he already knew this information, and Johan asked, "Do you know who I saw there?"

"Who? Eli Jang of Hostel?" Eugene asked, and Johan nodded and asked, "Hey four eyes, how the hell do you know that?"

"Mr. Seong, you should know better than anyone that I am well aware of everything around myself and workers," Eugene slightly laughed while saying, and Johan said, "I'm kinda pissed now that you didn't tell anyone when you knew about him."

"There is no point in being involved with Eli Jang now. He left Hostel. He doesn't have Gangdong either," Eugene spoke, and he continued, "We have no business with him now. He is living peacefully with his daughter, so I don't see why I should be wary of him."

"You are very ignorant, four eyes, especially when talking about someone who was once renowned as a legend at such a young age," Johan warned him, and Eugene then laughed even more. "You see right through my facade?"

"Obviously, I am well aware of the danger that Eli Jang possesses, and I do know that his past cannot leave him alone. He is bound to go back to his past," Eugene finally revealed, and Johan was annoyed by him, but then Eugene asked, "But Mr. Seong, what do you want to tell me? I am sure it wasn't just about Eli Jang."

"But Mr Seong, what do you want to tell me? I'm sure it wasn't just about Eli Jang," Eugene said. Johan smiled and said, "Four eyes, I want you to handle the business here. I am going on a vacation."

"By vacation, do you mean that you want to fight Eli Jang now? Are you planning to enroll in the same school as him?" Eugene asked with a slight panic in his voice. Johan laughed and said, "You're so smart, Chairman, that you instantly knew what I want."

"Wait...you can't do that. Plus, Eli Jang has gotten weaker. It won't be a fight," Eugene said. But Johan wasn't listening to him anymore. To give him a reason, Johan said, "Eugene, I think there is something interesting about the students in that school."

"What are you saying?" Eugene asked honestly, and Johan said, "They are all talented. I can see that they have a great future. Plus, it feels like something familiar."

"I don't see the point in going there, but I don't think I can stop you now," Eugene said. He sighed and then said, "I'll tell Vice-Chairman Bang to handle the Cipher affiliate."

"I knew you would help me, Chairman. I will see you later," Johan said and hung up on Eugene, preparing for school.

"It's better than being bored," Johan said to himself as he began to prepare for his new school life that he missed due to some circumstances.

That's it for the chapter.

Well, I know it's kind of lame for Johan to attend school now that he's been with workers, but I have my reasons.

The thing is, to continue the story, I would need to do a huge time skip and skip all the arcs before the workers' arc. But I don't want to do a time skip, which is why I am making Johan attend school so that the story can keep going.

And don't expect him to be friends with everyone there, but I'll try my best.

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