VS Jake Kim

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After defeating Jerry Kwon of Big Deal without much problem, Johan Seong was looking for his next opponent to fight.

Jake Kim, the young boss of Big Deal. Johan had taken Jerry's phone after beating him up and used it to call Jake.

Standing outside the main base of Big Deal, Johan dialed Jake and soon made a video call. Jake was surprised to see Johan on the other side.

"Who are you? Where's Jerry?" Jake asked.

"I don't know, but I am standing right outside your base," Johan replied. Jake looked around and sent someone to open the door for Johan.

"Who are you, mister?" a member of Big Deal asked, but instead of replying, Johan grabbed him by the face and thrashed him into the wall.

Seeing this, other members of Big Deal surrounded Johan. Meanwhile, Jake was in his room and saw everything through his phone.

"That fucker!" Jake exclaimed. He got off his chair and grabbed his gloves, then headed to see Johan in person. Jake reached the entrance where Johan had already covered the whole floor with unconscious members of Big Deal.

Even Jake was shocked by Johan's skills, and he said to himself, "That punk is dangerous. But where's Jerry?" Jake thought about this, but Johan noticed Jake and glanced at the boss of Big Deal.

"So you finally decided to show up, Son of Gapryong Kim?" Johan said, looking at Jake as if he were a joke.

"Why are you smiling?" Jake asked. Johan walked up close to him and said, "I didn't think a legend's son would be a bitch." Johan's words annoyed Jake, but Jake, being Jake, replied with a nervous smile, "I don't really have anything in common with my father."

"Jake Kim."


"Let's fight," Johan said, taking his boxing stance. Jake was still trying to avoid fighting with Johan.

Jake knew the danger of fighting with Johan without Jerry there, so he was trying to avoid fighting as much as he could.

"Why do you want to fight me?" Jake tried to reason, but Johan wasn't reasonable at all. He said, "For the thrill?"

Johan then turned his back to Jake and attempted to hit him with a back kick to the chest, but Jake managed to bring his hands up and block the attack. Despite this, Jake was still sent flying due to the impact.

"You blocked it? I guess you aren't even that much of a loser," Johan said with a smile as he ran towards Jake.

Jake became serious and said, "If you want to fight, then bring it on!" He quickly put on his gloves, but before he knew it, Johan launched himself at Jake with what he thought was a knee strike.

However, Johan actually hit Jake with a flying frontal kick to the stomach, causing Jake to kneel down for a second, before being hit in the back by Johan.

Jake collapsed on the ground while coughing, and Johan just stood there, saying "Can't you fig-" before he was interrupted by Jake grabbing his leg and pulling him down.

Jake executed a sweep, and Johan found himself on the ground, with Jake placing him in a leg lock.


Johan felt a sudden surge of pain from Jake's leg lock, and Jake asked, "Just who are you? Why did you attack Big Deal?"

"You think I need a reason to fight?" Johan laughed, but Jake applied more pressure, causing Johan to feel even more pain.

Then Johan remembered how Gun had broken free from locks, using stronger offensive moves, and that's what Johan decided to do as well.

Johan took a deep breath and began to channel all his strength into his arms. He then launched a powerful elbow strike to Jake's chest, causing him to release the leg lock.

Jake stumbled back, gasping for air, and Johan quickly got up to his feet. He saw an opening and decided to take advantage of it. With lightning-fast reflexes, Johan landed a swift roundhouse kick to Jake's head, knocking him out cold.

Johan stood over Jake's unconscious body, breathing heavily, and feeling the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He couldn't believe that he had won the fight so easily.

Johan finally breathed a sigh of relief that it was over. Undoubtedly, Jake was a harder opponent to defeat than Jerry was. Jerry was just strong, but Jake was strong, smart, and skilled at the same time.

However, in the end, it all happened because Johan let himself get caught by Jake.

Otherwise, this fight would have been over an era before. But in the end, only the results matter, which are still the same: Johan single-handedly crushed the big deal.

However, his goal isn't to take over the big deal; he just wanted to fight the crew heads, and now he has done it.

Johan's next destination is Gangdong, but first, he needs to rest until his leg is completely normal, like before.

"That bastard almost fucked up my leg for life. I will kill him next time we see each other."

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